2005-08-01-Being Adaptable To Father's Plan
Topic: Being Adaptable To Father's Plan
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, watching and listening to you, sisters, discuss various life topics reminds me of the women apostles in the day of our Master. I have been around for some years now. I figure I have a good bit of understanding of the mortal mind; however I am ever brought back to reality by the different facets of personality. While the basic human needs are the same, I am really amazed by the unique personality and character of all Father’s children. In other words, no matter how long I have served in this Teaching Mission it is never dull. Anyhow, I am enjoying the spirit of this evening.
I am MARY. I am feeling at home among you, my sisters. I do believe Father’s plan is the ultimate plan and many things do happen for a reason. Many of you are called to serve in various capacities. It is your flexibility that keeps you in a forward momentum. I am aware of what seems to be a restlessness here on the planet. Those things sought by the average mortal are now becoming unsatisfactory. You know as well as anyone that life is not stationary and that nothing grows without the living elements.
I remember back as a child that things would seemingly never change. It seemed as if life would just happen and God’s children were supposed to just roll with it. I saw my Father beat my mother; therefore I grew up as having this reality a part of my mentality and for a man to beat his wife in that day and age was acceptable and to be expected from time to time. Many women would appear to be unruly children in need of discipline. I understand that this brings up painful issues. It is still somewhat of an irritant to me, having also lived it. I am with unending gratitude however to our Master who opened up the playing field for us. The pendulum of inequality still sways back and forth, but believe me that those who are not thought of as a stable foundation of strength are becoming exactly that.
Many individuals who were so accustom to being told what to do are finding themselves to be free thinkers. This at times can be somewhat confusing, for old thought patterns will creep in from time to time. It has been said that people need one another. Many stagnating societies will actually choose the people you are to spend your life with. The age of free thinking is slowly growing, but as you find the courage to move forward as directed by Father, the fear to appear unacceptable decreases. Free thinking is not liberty without license. It is more so being able to listen to the call of the Spirit without need for ego fulfillment or societal acceptance.
I, myself, did not live a traditional life. Certainly I had it in me to avoid what appeared to be my destiny--according to that culture, to that day and age. To me as a child, love was quite conditional and most of the time, painful. I chose to escape this pain through other means of living. I could have chosen to forgo any experience that would lead me further God-ward, but Father in His ultimate plan and purpose led me in a way that I would learn of love through another avenue. I did not learn of love and parenting in a traditional way, but definitely did I learn about it.
My calling was somewhat different than that of my sisters—not set apart as abnormal, no, however it was constructed in a manner that I could understand with that life experience I had lived. Your experience has led you to developing certain habit patterns, good and bad and Father in His wonderful wisdom chooses to teach you in a way you can understand. Father is highly devoted to you, His children and will stop at nothing to lead you Paradise-ward.
This world is not so much about tradition, no, it is an evolving planet. You, as people, cannot live life as your predecessors. Feel not bound by guilt, for you have not lived a life of tradition, no. You are with plan and purpose. The Mission is about people and healing and unity. The Mission is not about what appears to be success in the eyes of society. I understand you will have struggle, but with Heavenly guidance you can find balance and a reason to carry on.
I am ABRAHAM. Our gratitude you, Mary, a fine job indeed. This week let us review our personal life circumstances. In whom do we serve? That is all. Know that we are with growing love for you all. Until next time, shalom.