2005-08-06-We Learn From You As Well
Topic: We Learn From You As Well
Group: York TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson, Nebadonia
TR: Unknown
MICHAEL: My children, to have walked on this planet and to be with you now is such an enlightenment. You all don’t realize how much we actually learn from you as well as you learn from us. The camaraderie that is shared among you and with each other gives us the greatest of pleasures to know that you can communicate and be with one another with such closeness.
You are so ready to help. So ready to put yourselves on the frontlines, more or less, to be able to communicate with those who are down trodden or less than they think they can be in their minds and in their heads. To be with you at this point and to know that your thinking is so above, it gives us the greatest of hope to know that once Monjoronson is walking here that things will be a lot easier for those who otherwise wouldn’t have a clue.
We thank those who have brought Starbridge together. We thank those that have formed a committee to go forth and do the work needed. We would like extend to all the invitation to be more than you ever thought you could be spiritually. We bid you a wonderful rest of your session. We hope you will come together again soon and know that we truly love, adore and appreciate you.
MONJORONSON: I have spoken to you before in the past. I have asked you to be very aware and to know what you know when you know it and to know that when you meet me that you will know who I am. It will become very clear to you who I am when I walk finally among you. Know that you will recognize who I am, for you will truly know who I am.
I have asked you to walk the higher path. You will probably come across many paths in this next walk of your life. There will be a path that maybe leads to the right. There will be a middle path and there will be a left path. I ask you to choose wisely and choose the higher path. You do not necessarily have to walk on the right. You do not have to walk in the middle. You do not have to walk on the left. But, choose the higher path and that path will take you to Havona.
It also gives me pleasure to be with you and to know that soon I will walk among you. There have been many questions as to what I would look like. There have been many questions and many speculations as to how will I be recognized. All I say and have said is you will know. This is Monjoronson.
NEBADONIA: After all of this I somewhat feel as an after thought. But know that I am not an after thought for I am with you also. Know that I am your mother when you need a mother. I am your friend when you need a friend. I am your sister when you need a sister and if you need a brother, I too will be in that capacity.
This is mother spirit Nebadonia.
Normally we have not been introducing ourselves to you because we felt as if all that were present would and could recognize who was speaking by what was being said and how it was being said. There has been much controversy over who’s speaking and who’s not speaking. We have asked that you all not get bogged down into who is speaking, but to listen to the message and to take from that message what you need to take away from it. Do not get hung up on who is saying what. There will be times when we speak to you and not tell you who we are. We are hoping that you will reach a point where you will recognize who we are.
This message is for the [Archive] Committee and Starbridge.
We sincerely would like for you to take this message and to use it as you will. For we sincerely hope that you will not let the will of one take over the want of many. Do not let yourselves be hindered by one. For there will always be some dissension among the masses no matter what is being said or what is being done. If you find that you need to have an elimination of certain parties, it will make things better for the many. The many are what we are interested in. Of course all of you and you all are our children, but you have to respect the fact that the words that you have been given are not your personal words. They are not the words of the person speaking. They are the words of the teachers. They do not belong to the person that is speaking. No one has the right to withhold the words that are being spoken.
[With great emphasis] These are not your personal words ! These are the words from deities and teachers. They are not your words to hold on to. They are to be shared with the masses.
That is why it was requested that Starbridge be brought into force so that the masses would have some type of [reference?] to help them understand what is happening around them at that time. Again, I repeat and I speak for all of the others,
THEY ARE NOT YOUR PERSONAL WORDS! You do not own them. They are not of your ownership. They are the words of the teachers. They are to be shared with the masses. They are not to be kept as your personal words unless it is a personal transmission. If it is a personal transmission that is just for you, or that you have asked to speak to a deity or a teacher personally, then that is yours.
Anything that is to be given to the masses, it does not belong to any individual. We are going to be speaking to you many times concerning this when we find that you all are having this problem and we do not wish any of this to be problems for you. It (tmarchives?) is not set up to be a problem. It is set up to help those who are in need of something more in their lives spiritually.
I too bid you a wonderful session. I too truly love each of you as my children. Know that we are with you. Know that we are for you and know we will always be with you. For you will only have to ask and you will feel our presence. You will know that we are here and we will speak to you. Shalom
[The Panelists Speak. They are an un-named celestial group of five who have voluntarily come together to guide this particular group, the Washington, D.C. Metro TeaM.. They do not use their names hence the need to designate by number a different Panelist for transcription purposes - Archive Editor]
Opportunity To See Morontia Forms Is Coming
All of you will be given the opportunities to have the veils removed from your eyes. You will be able to see more and more. You will be able to recognize midwayers. You will be able to recognize what you have known as your guardian angels. You will be able to know those that are around you. Some of you that are more sensitive already feel and see the entities but you have told yourselves that you don’t see them because you are somewhat frightened and you do not want to accept what you are actually seeing. But we are telling you to softly and closely embrace what you see. Do not be afraid. For we are not here to harm you in anyway. We are here to help you, to lead you, to guide you very gently, not against your free will, but to where you know you need to be. This message is complete.
Prayers Will Be Answered Even If You Doubt It
We sense and feel your pains, your anxieties, your disappointments and what you consider to be your "lack". We want you to know that we hear you. Even though a prayer or statement may not get answered the way you want it to be answered or it may not even get answered the day you want it to be answered. But know that it will be answered. We do not speak lightly when we tell you this, for we know that you are taking all of this on belief and belief should be the biggest word in your human dictionary. Belief, belief, belief.
Some of you use belief as a mantra, which is a good thing. Some you use many other words as your mantras. It does not matter what you use as long as you take the time to do "quiet" to find or search for that one word that is going to bring you back into balance to listen and to hear. It is very important that you listen and that you hear. Listen not only with your ears. Listen with your heart. Listen with your entire being. If you will listen, you will hear. This message is complete.
Be Open To Receiving
For the rest of this journey, open to receive. Open to relay what you are receiving to others who are not capable of receiving. We ask that you not jeopardize your well being to do so, but when someone comes in contact with you and ask the lead-in question, answer it. You will know the answer. You might think that you are not going to know the answer but the answer will be there for you to give to this person. And that answer may be the words or the answer that they had been searching for and seeking for some time. It may be you that may have been the catalyst that they have been waiting for. You might be, at that moment, the chosen one. And when we say the chosen one, we mean the one that is going to help that person to become enlightened.