2005-08-07-Extensions Of The Soul
Topic: Extensions of the Soul
Group: At Large
Teacher: Michael
TR: Tiahuan
My dear son, you have heard, you have felt my nearness. You know the time is upon us to extend ourselves, this union that we are. It is a union into which I call the world, this world to discover its rightful place in the union of worlds, the systems of worlds, constellations of systems in this universe I have created, itself a part of the larger structure of Orvonton.
In this classroom there are many lessons. You have broached the topic of many of these, but you will explore in greater depth, and then there will be those realities that you cannot imagine while dwelling upon this sphere. Simply know that the elemental lesson, this single truth that we are joined in a family characterized by a divine affection that is not limited nor can never be defined by any human religion; it can never be explained by any human philosophic system.
This reality that is our family is nonetheless the source of all of these and many more, much more; the source of your science, the source of wonder, the source of any meaningful probe of fact, the source of questions as to how and why. The question we always return to is that of who we are. It is this question that I would ask in this time upon this world knowing I have provided the means of answering such in a more engaging fashion. Many are those of your family, even my Paradise associates who are gathered in this moment and look for the opportunity to reach out and touch the mortals upon this sphere allowing them to feel the closeness we share in this larger body of the Supreme, our Mother, the Universal Mother whose Father is the triune source of all things.
Your temporal upheavals are those characterized by the struggle of this birth. You have wrestled with the questions that are expected and understood as you come to terms with the limits of your mortality even while you experience the extension of your morontia soul which engages those of us unseen and on high. How auspicious is this union, offering opportunities for service that we have sought and are seeking now in many others.
The advent of my brother’s incarnation awaits the greater realization of this soulful extension. The task you have chosen is that of enlisting as many as you can in this extension, in this awakening that is needed, that is required to receive larger gifts that bring this world in fact into the embrace of its family of worlds that awaits its return. You are not alone, there are others in many different cultures, in many different roles, laboring in their respective places as they must but doing so all with the intent to honor this need to meet this criteria to receive the gifts that I have prepared for the world even as I prepared this gift of service for you.
When your heart is troubled, you know that I am near. Others stand by awaiting the moments for your engagement where your heart is stirred by the opportunity you sense before you. Be alert and responsive. My voice is being liberated and is opening before the coming of my brother who would witness this recognition of my presence, of my sovereignty poured out upon as many as would receive it. Others likewise, those you have met and many more await their own opportunities for service and depend solely upon the faith of every mortal, sovereign each one of these in their own personal and spiritual growth.
Be astute, be ready, for the time is upon us. Any place where there is a desire to engage me, standing with you, (is) my Spirit unleashed upon this world to serve the souls of those who would enter their home, the home that is composed, conceived by the Spirit of our Father co-creating with you the house of the soul, a house of many rooms, many different areas of study, many different conversations, engaging each as they will, as they find their hearts and minds led accordingly.
Let us break through the barriers, (of) what you have characterized as an Iron Curtain standing between the conscious and super-conscious. Let us break this wall down together, and as the walls that have separated historic divisions of ideology upon this world have fallen before the impetus of our Father’s spirit, know too their counterpart within every one of my children is falling now, and much of the confusion of this world arises because of the disorientation, the confusion that is a token of new growth trying to find a zone of comfort in an arena which has been greatly enlarged.
When you experience injury arising from this confusion, know that I use such injury in my own life as an opportunity to allow our Father to weave his own web of cosmic artistry in places that he seeks in time and space to represent the vision of Havona, even the harmony of his central abode through the work of such as you are, a mortal upon the realms of time and space revealing nonetheless the face of the Father of all, his own hope and love. Give yourselves the privilege of being secure in his faith invested in you and extend yourselves in service to your fellows by every means available to you, and as you stretch yourselves discovering the limitless potential within you, do not be surprised when you see those of your siblings on high standing beside you.
This is all for the moment; this moment, like countless others fully present in the ellipse of eternity.