2005-08-07-Irritating Gnats

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Topic: Irritating Gnats

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Christ Michael

TR: Unknown



Michael: "Today your heart is full of gratitude. You can keep this happy heart by simply not concentrating on the irritating little gnats in your day. You smile. You were happy with these words that came through in a recent transcript.

"You also loved the words "universe difficulties" from the Urantia Papers, and you applied them so often to the chaos situations in your life, and now you have a new little saying to apply to the daily chaos situations that arise. You also know that there is no escape in this life experience from those universe difficulties, or from those irritating gnats.

"Now you simply need to remember when these difficulties arise to not allow them to rob you of your joy. You can make it a habit to remain calm in the perfect knowledge that all difficulties pass, and they, indeed, cause you and all your brothers and sisters to grow in courage and patience, too. You are far more patient now, and, yes, far more courageous than just a very short time ago.

"You do love a good laugh and so it gives you a little tickle of happiness in your day to think of the difficulties you encounter as "irritating gnats." And you had a good laugh yesterday as you thought of a brother as an irritating gnat. But no! People must be treated with respect even in your thought life.

"You can reason that situations are difficult, or, yes, irritating. But always love the brotherhood and leave all labeling aside, even in the spirit of fun.

"I know you understand this short lesson today. It is not a condemnation, for I do not wish to change your happy attitude with even a glimmer of sadness.


"Simply apply the little "irritating gnat" game to situations, and never to people, and go on about your day in happiness and great gratitude. Mother and I go with you in every situation, whether happy or difficult, and most certainly in all the irritating situations as well."