2005-09-01-My Incarnation, Universal Way to Share

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Topic: My Incarnation, Universal Way to Share

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Michael




Prayer: Well here we are again, I could say gathering in but we seem to be rather stretched out in space but we're all here to sit at your feet and make this wonderful contact. We treasure your lessons for the insights they give us but even more than that we just appreciate being here with you so our devout prayer of this evening is to fill us with your presence. Help us experience this phenomenal actuality that you are offering us now this way. Feel our love for you and help us feel your love for us. Amen

Michael: This is Michael. This is wonderful being able to communicate this way.


As you know I had a choice amongst many, many worlds on which to live out my final incarnation as a human being and as you know, the technological degree of advancement on these planets was quite various. If I showed up on your world right now in the flesh, which some of you wonder why I did not wait to do so, I could appear on television or in front of the United Nations, something like this, but I deliberately chose to incarnate in such a way that would be the most universal way amongst humans, simply walking and talking, sharing the day together as we traveled from one place to another on foot, being together over our meals, sleeping together, this is the most intimate way and as you can understand, it was phenomenally successful.

Think of my apostles and the faithful followers that stuck with me. It was this face to face living together that really counted and when you think of the hardships and the suffering that some went through in my name and with the courage to spread the gospel, the good news of the Fatherhood of God, just the raw courage it took for them to carry on when I was no longer with them, I think you can see why I chose to appear on your world at the time I did and how it definitely proved to be the most universal way of humans sharing spirit face to face, day by day as we walked and talked.

Some also delighted to be able to speak to a number of you this way. My children you are living through tumultuous times as Mother and I have expressed in our last series of lessons, the world is coming into a spiritual fruition right now and some of the immediate effects of this are kind [?] polarity, and the way this manifests in your personal individual lives, evermore distinct choices, spiritual choices that are confronting you and you can see about you how people are making these decisions, hence to polarize them.

Some respond by clinging all the more tightly to a kind of what you call a knee jerk, automatic reaction, but Mother and I both encourage you to keep your wits about you. Don't be afraid to question anything, anything whatsoever. Confront each day with all you possess, body, mind, spirit and soul. Those of you [who] have been reading these transcripts realize that this is one of the main lessons that we have tried to convey is all these dimensions you have within you and how you should not be at all shy about bringing all you have to bear on each moment because the reality you are involved in, God's creation, is absolutely unfathomable, every dimension, so don't be shy about using, exercising all that you are to discover the truth in each moment. Now I sense there are a lot of questions and comments out there so I will, as you say, open the floor for whoever wishes to go next.


Q: Hello brother Michael this is Manu and I've had a question running through my mind for a long time and wanted this opportunity to ask you. As you know I grew up a Hindu and a question that arose in my mind and often arises in other peoples minds I believe, is questions about the historical or mythological figure known as Chrishna. My question for you is if you are able to help me understand if there was a historical Chrishna? If there was such a person, what was his relationship to the Godhead? Was he any kind of incarnation, or any kind of information you can give me to help my own understanding as well as to help me bridge the gap, whatever it might be, between practicing Hindus and Urantia cosmology.

Michael: I think you can best understand Chrishna as a sum total of the revelations to a number of individuals of the Godhead within them. In this sense he is not a historical person but he represents that which the Thought Adjuster of these various religious men served as a kind of a focal point for them to pool their knowledge of who and what God is. In this you have to keep in mind, that Thought Adjusters have been arriving and helping the human race along for close to a million years now, and while it is true they only came in great numbers once I released my Spirit of Truth, they have always been here and they provided a core of belief clear across the spectrum of humanity.

They were always here. They form so much a part of your history just as they are so much a part of your life from your very earliest memories, so they are the same with respect to the collective memory of all mankind. Does this answer your question my son?

Q: Yes it does, thank you very much, I appreciate it.

Q: Hello Michael, this is Felix.

Michael: Good evening Felix, welcome to the group here.

Q: Thank you. I have a question. There is the possibility of me to be relocating to the United States to the northwest area and I was hoping for this and I thank you very much because I understand that this is probably a very good opportunity for service. I just wonder if it is true that it is in line with God's will and if I will have good opportunities for service in this area?

Michael: Well my son, this is one area in which as you are probably aware from previous lessons, Mother and I can only help you in knowing your own heart and your own desires. Decisions like this must be made fully by yourself for you to exercise the fundamental reality of your personality. We can only offer the suggestions that you look into all the alternatives as well as you can and this means knowing yourself, how do you envision this service you wish to provide, and how much of this spiritual service your heart calls you to is dependent on location.

I do not mean this lightly for wherever you are you are surrounded by souls hungry for the truth. This truth you give most fully in your day to day life, is in how you present yourself to your fellows. This is your greatest service. So think about this in terms of this change, whether it really does enhance your ability to serve and this can be influenced by all the other factors of your life, your economic situation, your family situation, all these come to bear. This is why devout prayer, opening your heart to your Father fragment, your own deepest wisdom, this is how we would exercise you and have you bear the full weight of this decision.

This is your weight to carry my son, so be very clear about your motivations, your own deep insight into yourself, into your own needs and what you feel as your unique gift to give for it is within this understanding that someday you will be assessing this situation in the future for you will be the one deciding whether it was a wise move or not. This is how your soul grows and this is what you are capable of. Does this help you?

Q: Yes it does, thank you very much.

Q: Michael, I'd like to hear some words from you on how I could be more effective in my service and in balancing all the various areas of my life and basically an assessment on being more effective.

Michael: Yes my son, I think the advice I would offer is one of being open to your effect on others. You have to be courageous and stretch yourself. Try things that you are not altogether certain of, in other words you have to constantly let go of the past and open yourself to wonder what else you might do that is effective. Really be curious, be lighthearted, play with things a bit. Don't take yourself too seriously, loosen up, then as you try things in this lighthearted manner it is the good cheer you are able to sustain within yourself, this real deep strength and courage of spirit is what is the main part of the message.

It takes energy, it takes faith to constantly lay yourself on the line like this to go that extra step, to extend yourself out there with good cheer and support but then the next thing is to be totally open as to the response you get and this even takes greater strength of dealing with people with an equanimity. You are offering yourself, you are offering your good cheer but then you are accepting totally, completely as instantaneously as you can what you get back. This takes an equanimity and a balance within yourself to accept whatever it is. It might be complete indifference, it might be hostility, folks might feel that you are coming on to them, as you say, you want something from them or you are trying to maneuver them in some way.

Cynical folks might see this as some kind of weakness on your part, and then you have those wonderful times when someone just comes beaming right back at you and there is such a warmth and good cheer coming back to you that it makes your whole day. This is the kind of balance, this is the kind of poise it takes to be effective. You're really hanging yourself out there moment by moment and then accepting completely what this other person has or cannot offer back for in doing so you are granting them their freedom to be themselves and just your very ability and graciousness in doing this is what will win them over if this is at all possible.

If not you say a little prayer and wish them Godspeed in their endeavor. See them as a complete person whether they can see themselves in this way or not. I think you will find by far that this is the most effective way to love another person. You offer then you open yourself to what they feel free to do. Does this help you my son?

Q: Yes it does, thank you Michael, it's just what I needed to hear.[ You are very welcome.]

Q: Michael, some of us have felt called to help prepare for the advent of a Magisterial Mission by building a training facility to train youngsters and new leaders and new apostles. As we begin this project what considerations are of the greatest import to yourself and the Magisterial Mission and the planetary administration?

Michael: Well my daughter, I think that what I just offered as advice for how to present yourself to others coming from your spirit is the best preparation. You teach and you carry the day by example, for as I say, whether the people you meet are fully aware of all their dimensions such as mind and spirit, your ability to see this in them and speak to them as a whole person, that your thought adjuster communicates to theirs and be aware of this communication yourself. Know that they have this whole soul they may not even be aware of, but if you address yourself to them as a complete being it does register. You are planting seeds.

It is the same way in which your prayer for a person does not in any way intrude upon their free will. It's just a little boost of energy for them to use as wisely as they can which is why it is a true gift. This is especially true for youngsters who are not quite so completely formed yet. Your example of how a person is living moment to moment for as you know they have their own ways of testing you and these tests they are confronting you with are for the most part unconscious. It is coming from a deep instinctual wisdom of, let's see how this adult reacts, which is why from your own deeper wisdom you need to be so forgiving of all these little tests they have for you.

Your realize how unconscious so much of this is that they present you with but it's coming from a deep instinctual wisdom. They need to test you, they need to know how deep your faith is. They need to test this balance of yours by giving you a little nudge every now and then or pulling some outrageous prank on you just to see how you behave. Do you really mean how you are presenting yourself. The last several lessons Mother and I have given you is on a kind of mental toughness, resiliency that allows you to be flexible and very giving.

In a way it is good to go about in the world with a bit of a thick skin for whatever is coming towards you, you don't take offense. As you have experienced, you encounter a lot of expressions all through the day that people are not aware that they are presenting themselves this way so, you are constantly forgiving any member of minor slights, little abrasions to your own sensitivity. Keep in mind this whole person in front of you, especially a child who is not at all aware of their spirit yet, even their own personality, but this is what you react to. This living example that you provide is the most thorough preparation you can give especially within a group like this. This is what carries the day. This is what instructs and truly teaches. This is the greatest gift you have to give to them. Is there any more precise details you would care to know my daughter?

Q: I think that's a wonderful answer and if I have one further question it is how to begin this project? It feels as though the individuals involved are being tried and tested in all the ways that you described young children trying and testing we adults. It often feels as though we adults are tried and tested by you. Can you speak further as to why you seem to require your apostles to be willing to set everything aside in their pursuit of servitude?

Michael: My daughter this is not what I require of anyone. This is what our Father requires of us all. This is the cost, if you will, of faith. This is an intrinsic part of faith, this is why faith means something, because it does something. There is no other way to know what you are capable of doing because what you are capable of doing in our Father's eyes, will always be a bit of a surprise to you. You cannot know yourself in this way beforehand. I think you recall in your text one of the morontia mota that you are given an example of is that individuals can be enormously wealthy in spirit and in soul and experience but they refuse to believe it. It is our Father who sees your full capability. He puts in front of you the contours and shapes reality in such a way as to call this forth from you and so gives you the greatest gift of all which you are capable of doing. Anything less than this would be robbing you of this opportunity. Does this make sense to you my daughter?

Q: Your answer really satisfies my heart Michael, thank you.

Michael: You are so welcome, take my peace to your heart. Keep trying. You see when Mother and I constantly reassure you that the adventure has no end, we realize that there is almost a scary component to this assurance. The adventure has no end. You always, always [will] be called forth to accomplish more than you are aware you can do but then you will do it and what joy. This is what calls the angels to sing. This is the love we have for you. Be in my peace.

Q: Michael this is Kelley and I really enjoyed the kind of communication that we have here tonight, voice to voice as it were, through the T/R and it all seemed very natural and I also feel we have other channels where we can communicate together and I called you in prayer. I always feel right away your presence and it seems to me that this may be part of your spirit of truth and I would like to know more about your spirit of truth and how we can use that, participate in that spirit to build our relationship so that I can come closer to you.

Michael: Yes my son, the difficulty in knowing my Spirit of Truth is very similar to the difficulty in knowing your own Father fragment who has been with you also from the beginning. In some ways we are too close to you, too much a part of you for you to segregate, to know it is Michael's Spirit of truth now. This is the presence of God in my mind now telling me to go this way for we have been here all along and we very literally have been part of you from the beginning. Now consider also Mother's mind adjutants and here I will say not only the higher ones of worship or thankfulness and wisdom that helps you feel and keep in touch with all of your experience and how this experience gives value to all that you perceive, but even her other adjutants, the lower ones, so called of companionship, of instant knowing, of instant perception. The way to be mostly in touch with these and to use us is to welcome uncertainty. I mean in this sense, don't be afraid of it. Accept it as part of human reality when you are reaching for the truth.

In one way you are eschewing all that you are certain of and letting it be in the past and being aware that this moment never happened before. There is some component here that is new. This is the marvel of curiosity. It's a little bit like, one example I can give is the opposite of deja vu where you are in a new situation but it feels like you've been there before. You've all experienced this. Now think of the exact opposite, this of it being in old familiar situations with your home, with your family, with your friends yet all of a sudden everything seems new, a little unfamiliar.

You find your curiosity being aroused as to what is happening, and so all of a sudden you need, that other terrible human word right, you need to know the truth. You feel your wonder coming alive as to what is this newness, what's happening now that hasn't happened before? Is there some marvelous thing that God is doing now, it this part of the way he has set this whole human situation up, that today is a new day, there's possibilities here, and you simply don't know what they are? You see where an uncertainty starts to creep in here, but it gets you out of a certain kind of mental laziness or, Mother and I coined this phrase of " a bubble of familiarity", and those of you who are craftsmen, who are working with stuff, whether it's cutting this particular karat that you've never cut before or any hobby you can think of.

If you're a carpenter you never cut this board before, you never faced this particular situation before, and if you can be open to this and you can welcome it and see how much it enlivens you, how it calls forth a kind of reluctant energy you might say to come up to the mark. This is where you begin to sense that component that I and your Father fragment and Mother Spirit are adding. Has this helped you focus in on these components my son?

Q: Yes it does. I appreciate the idea of uncertainty. I naturally have a desire to know and to understand but I'm getting more comfortable with this feeling of uncertainty, maybe I know something but I'm not too sure or I think I feel your presence but maybe it's just my imagination but somehow I have to leap over that chasm of the unknown and go forward from there.

Michael: Yes, a very large part of this is simple recognition, recognizing when you are uncertain and not fearing this. Obviously if you fear too much and you start clinging to only what you know for certain, this has a tendency to close in on you. You have to as you say, push the envelope. You have to keep trying things and then you discover that we are right there with you, and this also tickles our fancy. It's a way in which you make us smile whereas with your own children, you see them reaching out and trying things and accepting this whole, you can call it a sphere of creativity, that surrounds you. As I've already said this evening, this is when you really know you are using all you can do and accepting that God, our Father, set it up this way so as to keep you growing. Do you have any further questions in this line my son?

Q: No, thank you for your response.

Michael: You are very welcome.

Q: Could I have some counsel Michael?

Michael: Certainly.

Q: I have a number of things that have come to my mind and you have addressed many of them as you have talked to others this evening and like Kelley I wanted to let you know how impressive it was to sit and listen to your literal voice through your servant Jerry and how really effective it is and perhaps even more so because of the telephonic forum because we can't see him and we can just leave ourselves open to your spirit and it is such a wonderful experience. If possible it makes me feel even closer to you but it really does provide music to my ears to hear these lessons and this counsel.

My question has to do with the phrase that we hear so often, love each other as the Father loves you and it seems there might be some misunderstanding as to what that means and without meaning to sound silly Michael, what does that mean? I can say that when I perceive that you love me, you love me with all my faults as well as my accomplishments and my potentials. You know me and you know what my possibilities and what my hang-ups are and regardless, you love me.

This is how I look at my fellows. I don't care to see just their cheerful countenance, I want them to feel, not that they have to parade their faults before me, but I want them to know that they can be real. Like when you walked with the apostles two and two and you said do you love me, then be more patient or have more tolerance and so on and so forth. Isn't that part of what the brotherhood is, that we are flawed and that we love each other anyway?

Michael: Well my daughter, I could hardly say it any better myself, that is right on the mark. This is where I spoke before about a kind of generosity of spirit in which you are putting yourself out there and just being yourself before another person, somewhat independent of how they will respond to you. This is a kind of love that is not done for any kind of reward or simple trading back and forth, I'll love you if you love me, that sort of thing. I think you see this pretty clearly that you do your best to be strong within yourself, to know yourself, to accept yourself moment to moment and be open to the uncertainty in the next moment.

This is the way you live your life within yourself and so you are not requiring as much from company. You are able to let them be. It has to start within you. If you are too needy other people sense this and they question your motives but when you are coming from a strong heart and a deep faith, this affects your perception. You are able to see others more completely. As I mentioned especially with children you are able to see much more of them and their potential than even they can see themselves.

This does register and so as you just love others and see them in their completeness and are [?] within yourself so you can accept whatever it is however they are coming on to you, this does register and this is truly what affects them as this is real love. You are giving from yourself and it is done from within you. It is from your deepest touch. It is the presence of God right in your soul that feeds you and so this giving is letting love pour through you and this is what makes you strong and healthy and this is what convinces others. So continue on. You are very much in tune with what it takes.

Q: Thank you. I want to have that kind of courage that the original apostles had and I want to be effective like you were talking about to Simon and I'm just happy to be your child.

Michael: My daughter, this makes our hearts swell too and when you send your love to us is this deep respect and acknowledgment of me that fills my heart. This is what it is to be me. You have children that love me. This is a richness that I in turn reflect to my Father, to our Father, and the joy that he sends me is beyond expressing. This same joy you have within you to give to others. This is the joy of living. [yes] So continue to be in my peace. It's the day to day practice, it's the day to day forgiving yourself, moment to moment, it's the refusal to feel any guilt whatsoever for that moment is now past. It's that constantly facing and living in now and building the strength in now. This is how you grow.

This is how you stay in touch with this whole universe around you that is also growing. When you can feel this my daughter, when you can feel this universal living force, the whole soul of creation is growing. When you are in touch with this, then you know there is nothing going to stop this. There are constantly new beings coming into existence and so you have the constant creation of immaturity. There are constantly being created immature beings who are just starting out on these first few tentative steps and so this is how you forgive and in your forgiving, this immature soul now has another experience, only this time it is of love to add to their soul. [thankyou] You are welcome. Are there any more questions this evening?


Be in my peace. Let's all just take a few moments now to feel me in your heart. Just let everything else go.

Dear Father, thank you for these my children. Now go forth my sons and daughters. Of your lives enjoy, share this freely. Don't be afraid of the hunger you encounter out there, rather know that if you can perceive it and not fear it, it is because your own heart is full and you have so much to give. Give thanks to our Father for this opportunity to give and to share and look, what a wonder approaches. Another human being, another unique child of God. Now rest in my peace, good evening.