2005-09-21-Long, Long, Dark History
Topic: Long, Long, Dark History
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Bzutu: "This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu, finding my mortal friend of many years in a tranquil and amicable mood, so let us begin right now.
"They were our human brothers and sisters who benefited from the Urantia bestowal of our Chief, our Champion, older Brother and capable Leader, Christ Michael, and indeed, a few of us took care of the Infant, the Child, Joshua Ben Joseph, the Man, the Preacher, and the rightful Heir to the Nebadon crown.
"Few of us were certain about the significance of Jesus baptism by our brother John (the Baptist) and the positive repercussions of that moment; it having been chosen by the Creator Father to fully place Nebadon in Michael’s hands, for Him to rule as the ultimate Sovereign and Savior, not only of this world, but of the entire universe of His and Nebadonia’s making.
"Few of us agreed on the meaning of the tongues of flame, for we had seen like happenings in our realm, and few of us had any hope of at any time, if ever, progressing beyond our earthly status. However, almost all of us had a tainted past in this environment of chaos and selfishness, warfare and uncertainty.
"Indeed, what does one do with a superior mind that lacks education, appropriate tutoring and direction by example? Who were the examples to choose from among the many diverse philosophers espousing contaminated truths? And where would you be, my mortal brother, but for the best of tutors placed in your path? Consider this, and our long, long, dark history, I say to you.
"We were not subject to the mass arrival of Thought Adjusters and little else of positive changes with the Gift of the Spirit of Truth. We, Midwayers of both capable ranks, were witness to the removal by force of great numbers of our immediate relatives to destinies unknown, and thereby kept incommunicado for century after century according to entirely unknown universe rules, while our pleas went heavenward for justice that seemingly lagged, and the only response was silence, and more of the same. However, let us live in the now, as we so often bring this to your remembrance as most vital.
"We can, at last, gauge an approximate deadline for the Correcting Time to bring the first fruits of Light and Life. We can finally research the duration of these times; these (Light and Life) phases as they come to fruition in other systems. We have something hopeful to discuss with our colleagues as we go about our myriad tasks. In the light of our age-long attachment to you, our mortal kin, we may well experience some early withdrawal symptoms, for our love for you is great.
"Considering our oft-professed destiny as ascenders, however, there is no highly significant other event that can make us rejoice about progress for us creatures in (of) the Midway Realms, other than the appearance of our Master’s brother, emissary, though equal in every respect as a Son of God, of great learning, capability and time/space experiences.
"For us, my dear brother at arms, this is a ‘countdown of a kind,’ as we sense a still distant launch into an epoch of Light and Life so joyful as to match that of the return of the ‘many of few that were lost’ and the vast increase in numbers of highly Superior Adjusters that motivated us, and our close human friends, to lobby for an improved and more exact text, as well as the needed extra manpower.
"Rejoice with us. Celebrate with us. Share with us, for we are each other at our Spiritual Root Source—the Eternal Father we thank."