2005-09-26-Helping Hand Not Pointing Fingers
Topic: Helping Hand Not Pointing Fingers
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. How serene the mood is this evening. I am enjoying this peaceful time and also grateful to be able to gather with you to refocus our energies for the week ahead. I realize some of life’s circumstances affect you deeply and many times you are wondering what is Father’s reasoning for all of this. I can remember my own days in the flesh and what I thought were God’s leadings were simply the results of my own thinking, my own wishful desires. As we mature in spirit we are less likely to question Father and really listen to Him.
I am MARY. What a joy it is for me to be a part of you. As I move farther from the mortal experience and further toward spiritual understanding, I am filled with love and compassion for Father’s evolutionary children. Most mortals make such effort to live out their good intentions. As you grow in spiritual understanding you can see where you have been through other people. Maturity in the spirit means to give a helping hand instead of pointing fingers.
As a child I indeed lacked the attention I so longed for. As I grew I learned to act out in a manner which would eventually give me some kind of attention. As I grew in spiritual knowledge, as I groomed the spiritual self, the mortal self still had a great deal of aligning to catch up on. I could desire to do these good things, I could put forth effort in the first few steps toward achieving this goal and yet, somewhere within the animal-self still had a tendency to act out, to crave attention, to be known and loved, to feel equal with all others.
It was so easy to become stuck in that self-disappointment or that knowledge that the animal-self is alive and well. It was easy for me to think I was of no good and simply a child who would never learn. In my self-chastisement it was easy for me to become discouraged and deflated in spirit. In my unreasonable smallness I was apt to stay hidden, to not serve, to pretty much just take up space. I felt as if I was a usurper of energy. I could not fill that void that continued to take me downward.
I am so grateful for the Master’s outlook on reality. He was not about to allow anyone to lay down before their troubles or be enabled to be no more than a taker. Always was the Master’s first order of business was to remind us that we are all equal in the Kingdom of Heaven, all known and loved beyond our comprehension. This acknowledgment was not to justify our temporary misbehavior. It was not to excuse us for our weaknesses. The Master reminded us of this simple fact to bring us to a mindal balance that would reconnect us to the spiritual circuits. As mortals you will always make mistakes. That is a part of the spiritual advancement. If you were without error you would not be here. We live to learn and making mistakes is a reality. In our wrong choices are our greatest lessons. The wonderful news about the Correcting Time is that we always get another chance to make better choices.
I always loved the statement that during various moments of life ‘the Master seemed to be beside Himself.’ To me that meant He had no desire in the outcome of any event. He was still to allow Father to commune with Him. He was observant of every situation and always made an effort to take in the entire scenario of what was really happening. In the Master’s ministry there was not time to dwell on continuous self-chastisement, as if that is some sort of self sacrifice and atonement to Father. The ministry went on even with all the bumps on the road, it always moved forward.
This week think about for yourselves what it means to be beside yourself. How can the desires of the past not affect the decisions of today? What is re-centering in mind for you? What is the difference in being truly humble and simply appearing to be humble? What is the reality for you? How are you different therein? That is all. This evening I shall bid you farewell from myself and Abraham. Go in peace. Know that you are capable of having answers to any question. Shalom.