2005-10-18-Stillness, Most Important Time In History
Topic: Stillness, Most Important Time in History
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl, Sid, Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Lucille, Donna, Larry
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father, thank you for this meeting. We welcome our celestial brothers and sisters and if one of them would like to give us a nudge , maybe one of us will be led to TR. We love you Father. We pray for peace, we pray for the coming of Monjoronson and we pray for Your help and assistance in learning to do Your Will. In Michael’s name, amen.
JarEl: TR, Lucille. This is JarEl. Welcome to you all. It is good to see you here together. There are many problems in this world, but there will always be many problems. Continue with love, love one another, do the best service you can following the Father’s Will. You will be ready to do the right thing, keep in touch with your inner self, that little bit of God within you. To be cheerful and happy inspires many people. The downtrodden need a little uplift which can be had by being cheerful and of service to them. By service we mean many things, just a simple smile is a service to someone, it can uplift their spirits. There are so many things you can do.
Sid: TR, Donna. The stillness is a beautiful thing. The opportunity to go into the stillness gives you a chance to have a short vacation from the world, from the noisy world that we live in. It is like a sanctuary, the stillness; such peace, such tranquility. It is a wonder that people do not go into the stillness more often. Because the stillness, quiet as it is, is rich with energies and vibrations. There are many circuits that can be tuned into, circuits of love, circuits of healing and messages of hope. All of your teachers and your angels, Father Michael and Mother Nebadonia are available to you when you enter into the beautiful place and the beautiful place is the stillness. See how rich it can cause your life to be.
Michael: TR, Larry. This is Michael. As the Father’s love pours into me, I pour it out to you. Let this love flow into your being. As you pour this love out to your brothers and sisters it causes the flow to continue to fill you up to overflowing. This love continues to flow from me to you as you give it away. Allow the Father’s love to flow, from Father to me, from me to you and from you to your brothers and sisters. Be a conduit for this love. Be of service to your brothers and sisters. Pour this love upon them in your actions to be of service as a messenger for me.
Urantia is now coming into the most important time of its history. Each of you are here to participate in these coming events. You shall see great things in your life. You shall see progress toward peace and the coming of the Age of Light and Life. This progress will come about by your being a conduit of the Father’s love, by being a positive force in your brothers and sisters lives, especially to my downtrodden children who need healing, help, a smile and the love that you can give them.
You are to do the work that I did when I walked on this earth two thousand years ago. You are to be my representatives. I am to live in your lives and there shall be a helper to guide you. You already have the Spirit of Truth within you to guide you into the knowledge and understanding of the truth. My brother Monjoronson is now among you in the spirit. Soon he shall appear to you in a physical form. Allow my spirit and his spirit to be in you and we shall work with you. We shall help you.
You have many spiritual guides to assist you. The whole Universe supports you. The Correcting Time shall triumph, Light and Life shall come to Urantia. Now is the time to be about my Father’s business. I call on each and everyone of you to show the love which I have for each and everyone of you. To love your brothers and sisters as I and the Father loves you. You can call on me, you can call on Monjoronson, you can call on Nebadonia and most of all you can call on the Father who indwells you. The best way to call upon us is to go into the stillness. That is something I did most everyday of my life, I would go off by myself and talk to my Father. I would meditate and I would pray. Just as I have done, so can you. Just as I grow spiritually in my life, you are growing spiritually also. I am so proud of each of you for the progress you have made in your life. I know sometimes it seems as if you are standing still in your spiritual progress, but just think back ten years ago. Look at your spirituality over the past ten years and see how you have grown spiritually. I am so proud of that. I realize that the world seems like it is in so much turmoil now, that things are getting worse, but these are events which occur on every evolutionary world. Your world is evolving, the Correcting Time is starting to have positive effects. The Lucifer rebellion has been adjudicated. You see evil all around you, you are bombarded with bad news on your televisions. What is going on in the world? But know this, there is great progress being made on all fronts. This progress is happening on a one-on-one individual basis.
You need to keep positive, you need to keep happy and you need to keep loving. So love your brothers and sisters, heal your brothers and sisters and answer their questions. When they are down, pick them up. When they are sad, smile, give them your positive love and be happy. Show them the way by your actions of service in love; not by preaching to them, not by telling them what is in The Urantia Book or the Bible, but by the service you render to them. Seek them out and see what they need and fulfill those needs.
I love each of you. Each time you meet, I am here. Each time you go into the stillness I am with you. Your Mother and I are with you at all times. The Father is with you at all times. Now you shall have a teacher, a leader who will be among you in the flesh very soon, who is among you now in spirit. Prepare yourself spiritually for the coming of Monjoronson, he will talk to you in your stillness. Ask him questions, he will answer you.
Are there any questions?
If not, let each of us go into the stillness. I leave my peace with you.
Nebadonia: TR, Donna. Beautiful children in this small group gathered here this evening, you are my beautiful children. I want to just gather you in my arms and give you a warm motherly hug. I am indeed proud of each of you. I know the struggles you have living on this planet. I know the courage it takes to face your daily struggles. And yet you persevere, you lift your heads up, you place one foot in front of the other and you move forward and you do those things that you need to do. Be kind to yourself, let yourself partake of spiritual nourishment so that you are energized to do the things that Michael and the Father put into your heart to do. It is my desire that you feel my love whenever you think of me, as I have love for you continually. You have heard from Michael of the importance of being a conduit and letting your love flow through you from Michael, from Father, from me to your brothers and sisters, and your companions. Just know that you are loved dearly and you are being watched and cared for constantly. You bring such smiles to our faces when we see you going about and doing good. You are bringing more Light and Life to this planet, which it sorely needs. So be the love and the light that you were created to be and know that we hold you in our hearts always and forever. I shall say goodbye for now my children.
JarEl: TR, Larry. This is JarEl. I feel the love of Michael and Nebadonia pouring into us, from the Father. I feel the love from each one of you and from each of your brothers and sisters in this room. We are each a conduit to direct that love in our daily lives and we need to be about our Father’s business. We need to send the Father’s love to all of our brothers and sisters. All of mankind are our brothers and sisters. We need to project love and we need to project hope.
I would like to close this evening by each of us saying a prayer of thanksgiving and appreciation to the Father. I will start and then we will go around the room saying our prayers to the Father. JarEl: TR, Larry. Dear Father thank you for this group. Thank you for all the times and all the meetings we have had together. Thank you for the love that you have given us and the honor of being your children Father. We love you so very much. We are so thankful that you dwell in each of us. We are so thankful for the hope and the joy that you give our lives. We would be a blessing and allow Your love to flow to all who we meet each day and pray that this love shall spread to the world into every heart. Thank you for the knowledge of you Father. Thank you for our Mother and Father, Nebadonia and Michael and for the Magisterial Son who is coming. We appreciate our being a part of whatever is coming next, we strive to do Your Will and look forward to being a part of the Magisterial Mission. Amen.
Donna: Thank you dear Father for your outpouring of love and hope and peace and joy upon all of us. Thank you for our meetings, thank you for our group and thank you for Michael and Nebadonia. Thank you for our teachers, such as JarEl and others, our Angels who are always present to assist us. Thank you that this life is truly an adventure and we are blessed with the opportunities to serve you Lord. We are blessed by the ability to open up our hearts and minds to allow your love to flow through us to others. We are happy when we can see the results of healing and hope. So thank you for the adventures, the opportunities and the abundance of love that you give us. Amen. Lucille: Dear Father thank you for the wonderful world we live in and the many friends that we have and the relatives that we have. We have truly learned to follow your ways of loving, of serving and of helping our fellow man. I thank you for many blessings that I have had throughout life and the wonders that have been shown to me through the Teaching Mission, through our group sessions and reading The Urantia Book. I have really been blessed. May I be of service to my fellow man to the best of my ability. Thank you, good night.
Dennis: I would just like to thank you for this existence, this life; there is a long list of things I could thank you for. I would like to thank you for all of them, the good and the seemingly bad. I would like to ask you to help me to be a better conduit, thank you.
Larry: Thank you Father, I love You so very much. I appreciate the many blessings that You have bestowed on me. Thank you for Your Love, in Christ Michael’s name, amen.