2005-10-26-Grow Into Greater Faith & Trust

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Topic: Grow Into Greater Faith & Trust

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Helen Whitworth

Session 1

339—June 28, 2004.


Dear one, today we will delve a little deeper into the word ‘fear,’ and what it represents. There are fears everywhere; fear of growing old, fear of losing one’s health or loved ones, and fear of the future. Fear is everywhere. The list goes on, and it is seemingly endless. Each person harbors their personal known and unknown fears until they are confronted therewith.

Fear is the great defrauder of inner peace. It strongly attacks the spiritual, emotional and physical systems, and illness results when it is allowed to get out of hand. Fear imprisons the real self, so the spiritual bud of the soul never grows or flourishes. Fear is evil. Fear is a temptation to prevent the human being from growing in trust and confidence in the overcare of the Creator God, and all the angelic beings entrusted with your care.

Fear is the denial of the God-Fragment within. Fear is the great temptation to indulge in, and ‘sail’ into a depression, and worse. Fear makes people contemplate, even commit suicide. Fear is lack of courage to be honest with oneself—to be truly discerning about what it is that is being feared.

It is the long downward slide into a damp darkness, at the bottom of which lies paralysis and hopelessness of the human spirit.

The human spirit has been designed and created to soar. God gave you life, and free will as wings to practice and to strengthen these wings in a growing confidence, faith and trust in the unconditional loving over-care of the Giver of all life.

Humans carry the seed of a very rich soul within them, but very few live up to and realize this great gift within themselves, due to lack of faith and by letting fear run rampant. Take hold of yourself and turn within as soon as you feel fear overtake you and hold you in its icy grip.

Know that I am here, always waiting to steady you and give you My Peace, so you know that all is well. Say aloud: ‘All is well,’ and believe this.

Grow into a greater faith and trust in the goodness of God.

Session 2

340—June 29, 2004.


"Except ye become as little children, ye cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven," was the injunction of your Master Jesus, when He walked the earth 2000 years ago. This saying, My beloved, has been grossly misunderstood, and never seriously put into practice.

It simply means to have a trusting, happy faith, in the Loving over-care of your Heavenly Parents. Like a well-balanced child trusts its earth parents that provide for its mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. The spiritual nature of the child should never be forced into the adult system of belief with its dos and don'ts. Children by their very nature will naturally develop a trusting faith-filled relationship with the Creator God, according to the example set before them by their parents.

A child learns by example and does not seek to know the future, as it somehow knows that it will come to pass as surely as day follows night. It is learning to trust and gain in faith that this is so, as it daily accepts this outworking of the natural laws laid down in nature by the design of the Creators.

To seek to know the future is to rob faith of its sweet fulfillment. "According to your faith, it shall be done unto you," said Jesus, when He healed the people, when in actuality it was their personal faith that accomplished the healing.

Seek to become like a little child that is filled with glad expectations, and does not question its parents loving overcare.

Do become more carefree, and know that all is well. Become less critical and judgmental, be open and friendly towards all.

Learn from the example of the Master, Who was never in a hurry, and Who had an uplifting word of encouragement for all He met in His travels.

Session 3

341—June 30, 2004.


Dear one, consider the endlessness of living an eternal life. It is extremely important to spend some time with these thoughts. How do you surmise you might live in this endlessness of time? It is said that in eternity there is no time. This is somewhat of a misnomer. In the material universes, yes, there is time, albeit different as time is reckoned on Urantia, your home-planet.

Time on Urantia is only a tiny segment in eternity. With system, constellation and universe time, the dimensions and divisions of time are greater and on through the minor and major sectors of super-universe number seven, in which your tiny insignificant orb is located. I give you here the benefit of an overview to expand your mind, and for you to gain a better perspective than ever before.

You will spend eons of time in your local universe as a morontia being, which is what you will be in the period that intervenes between the material and the spiritual level of being.

Your training and education needs to be completed to the satisfaction of the Ancients on High, before you will travel from the universe of your nativity as a young spirit. There will be ample opportunity, for remedial studies and service opportunities to gain experience before you may embark on the long flight to Havona with its billion perfect spheres, which surround Paradise—the eternal abode of the Creators.

Paradise is larger then all inhabited creation, and less then one percent is in use by the pilgrims of space. This is your ultimate destination, when once you have answered the call to become perfect, even as the Father in Heaven is perfect.

Belief Me, I know whereof I speak, as I hail from that selfsame Creator, and indwell you as a Gift from Paradise to help guide you on the way Home.

This I can do, but only when you become more consistent in your coming to Me in your daily meditations, so you learn to discern My Voice more clearly and readily. This I can do, although only when you develop the capacity to learn to love unconditionally, and busy yourself in loving service towards others, ready to see the best in them.

This, in a nutshell, is the outline of the mystery puzzle of life, in which you, yourself, fill in the pieces and decide how to live, serve and grow on the way Home.

Session 4

343—July 2, 2004.


Dear one, allow Me once more to lead you yet a little deeper into your true self, your naked soul-self, known only to Me, Who has safely guided you through the storms of your willful choices and decisions. And yet, you can stand back and notice how the worst choices contained the greatest lessons from which you learned the most.

And when you really begin to look back over your life, you will see that the darkest hours in your life have created the most beautiful intricate patterns in the richest colors of character building that you might otherwise have missed.

The secret of all character building is that you always turned to Me for help, and for some unknown and deep reason, you found the courage to carry on for yet another while. This you did, until you came into ‘calmer waters’, so you could rest for a while before the next ‘storm’ hit. So it is with human life, the ebb and flow of the human spirit, like the tides of the ocean.

The secret and big question of human life always is; Who will you put in charge of your life? Will you be blown about by the winds of chance, and be a rudder-less little boat lost in the ocean of life? Or will you seek Me, the Captain-within of your ship and build up a trust relationship with Me, so you allow Me more space to guide you through the storms of life?

The choice is always yours to make, but with each choice you make, your trust and faith will either grow stronger or weaker. Which one will you choose? The more consciously aware of Me you live your life, the easier the choice becomes, because you now finally realize that I know what is best for you, and that I would never steer you wrong.

Just give Me more of your time, and be seated at the Captain’s table, so you can get to know Me better.

Session 5

344—July 3, 2004.


Dear one, yes, I will do the leading whenever you let Me. In time this will become clearer to you as you learn to train your inner ear in the direction of My Voice, which can only be heard in the Stillness of your heart. It is the discerning of God’s Will, rather than your own will in your choices and decision-making. You often do this unconsciously, without giving the process much thought or due consideration, and thus your own impulses prevail.

My desire is for a true and active partnership—God and human as one. Of course this can be put off into the distance of eternal future life, but unless you make a decision here in your mortal life, you cannot realize the wealth of growth and the rich unfolding of some of the true potentials that now lie dormant so deep within you.

You can start that inner exploration in the here and now, so you can reap the greater benefits in the here and now, not only for yourself, but also for all who come in contact with you, and shall become uplifted and encouraged thereby.

In this manner, the leaven of unconditional love will permeate, one person at a time, to uplift the planet from her darkening estate into which she is in danger of falling, and where rampant materialism and greed are threatening to take over.

The common people are now becoming the monetary slaves, and they are burdened with over-taxation due to spiritually poor souls that are blinded by temporary material wealth.

The Infinite Creator meant for creation to be enjoyed, and for her wealth to be shared alike by all creatures. It is meant to be a privilege to be a caretaker on this wonderful garden planet, where the true arts and culture are to flourish and each living creature is to be honored.

Here will be established the ideal co-creative partnership with your God, and where you are to willingly learn to do the Will of God. This will ultimately be brought about, for this is the very purpose of Life.

This is the journey of evolution from the lowest estate to the highest—from darkness to Light. This is meant to be, and it shall be so.

Session 6

345—July 4, 2004.


My dear one, for a moment do contemplate the impact that written words can have. Consider how they can serve as a wake-up call for someone who, just at a critical moment in life, happens to read a certain message that finds lodgment in that soul, bringing about a change in that life. Messages can enlarge one’s perspective; give understanding and courage to carry on for yet another day.

These deciding moments are like a twist or turn in the road, and an unexpected vista then opens up before one’s eyes. Life is like this, and these moments are the cause and effect of a life-change, which can be for better or worse, yet both are experienced in the unseen with outward effect.

Such is life on this planet. It is the deciding life during which a human may well start out by seeking temporal wealth, success and pleasures only. It can also be switched in the blink of an eye through such a deciding moment that it makes one realize that there is more to life than outward 'things'. The material does not satisfy or feed the human spirit, and something deep is then missing in that life. In such deciding moments, the search for the meaning and purpose of life often begins in earnest.

At that moment, the true life begins in the inner world, where true wealth is waiting to be discovered. And this urge and search for inner wealth and treasures can only culminate in the finding of the Source of all this wealth.

This is the greatest journey any soul can embark upon, and where a final victory is assured when that soul finds out that there are many more regions to be explored in the unending creation of the All That Is.

The greatest deciding moment in this life is when you discover the God of your being waiting within you, and from that moment on you lose all fear of death, because you ‘know’ that life is eternal, and that mortal death serves as a door to Eternity.

Session 7

347—July 6, 2004.


Dear one, do willingly open your heart, soul and mind when you tune into the Silence within. Ask for My help if this still presents a problem to you, so I can fill you ever deeper and deeper with heaven’s Love to overflowing, even in the darkest ‘recesses’ of your stubborn willfulness.

Let Me soften all the places of resistance to My Love, and allow darkness and rebelliousness to flee before My Light, so you may become so filled with My Love and Light, and so these can spill over to others to empower them in turn.

In all matters I need your co-operation, and only you can help Me make this come to pass. It is a continuous decision making process, and the more you move into a greater conscious awareness of Me, the easier this will become, and the clearer you will sense My guidance within.

It is a deliberate choosing between Light and dark, right and wrong, positive thoughts and negative thoughts. It is a valuable lesson in discernment. It is training that each soul sooner or later needs to embark upon, for there is nothing hidden before the all-knowingness of God.

It is ‘the becoming perfect’ on the road to perfection. Purity of heart and sincerity of mind need to be cultivated. Not ever will there be a hidden agenda on this path, and your very own conscience will ‘talk back’ to you, and make you feel uncomfortable when you make a less than perfect choice in those moments when you need to choose.

Humans have an inborn radar to discriminate between good and bad, but this needs to be activated in early childhood by corrective behavior, otherwise this radar will become ‘overlaid’ with selfishness, instant gratification urges, stubbornness, excesses, additions and the like, which bar the door to true soul freedom and expansion.

True child-culture needs to have much more attention paid to by the parents, and by the community, in that the early childhood years are the formative years for a happy adulthood, or an unhappy adulthood when no proper self-restraints have been taught.

However, an adult can compensate for a faulty and unhappy upbringing through consciously making behavioral changes, and the practice of self-discipline.