2005-10-27-Words Of Encouragement
Topic: Words of Encouragement
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Rebecca
Session 1
- October 27, 2005.
- Subject: "Words of Encouragement Today."
Michael: "Yes, My sister, you come to us in these few precious moments for words of encouragement today, yet you are far from discouraged. You simply enjoy the knowledge that we are with you.
"You need not these words, for you have come to something new beyond words. It is the simple knowing that we go with you into every moment, and in that knowing there is now no need for words.
"Does that mean the words will stop? Of course not! There will always be the difficulties that we must work through together, for such is the same in every partnership. And indeed, we share a partnership of the greatest intimacy, for we have grown in love and very great trust.
"However, we now have no need for constant words. No! The unspoken words of our friendship are the knowing of the Presence beyond hearing.
"You can hear Me speak with your ears and also know Me with the ears of knowing that arises from a deep part within you, which needs no words. The stillness now becomes not a listening stillness, for you have come to the quiet place of knowing.
"It is not a place of good or better, but simply a place in the Presence, and either place—the listening place or the knowing place—are equal in love. Enjoy then the balance of either place, and be assured that we are present with you in these interchangeable places of very great love.
"Forget the journey now. You have arrived at a place of no beginning or end; a journey without ending that simply is. This is a journey without movement, only being, so simply be with us as we are with you in the now of our Presence, always."
Session 2
- Oakland, California, US of A, November 6, 2005.
- Subject: "Tumultuous Change And Renewal."
- Received by Donna D’Ingillo
Michael: "Dear children, I am Michael, your Creator Father. Some of you may know me as "God" or as "Jesus," and some of you may have sensed me in your heart as "Essence" or "Source." I am here in whatever way you need me to be with you, for I love you with a strength and intensity that is beyond your ability to fully perceive through your mind and body.
"There is a connecting link within your being that ties us together in a holy union. This link is indissoluble, yet it becomes more present within you as you turn your sights inwardly to know of a reality greater than you currently understand. There is a current of spirit washing through you, bringing new life into your being, and part of that current contains information about me; who I am, what role I would like to play in your life, what relationship we can have together, and how I wish to draw very close to you.
"What I ask of you is to hold open a place in your heart for me to speak into it. Ask the questions of me, "Who are you, Michael?" "What is my relationship with you?" "Why should I have a relationship with you?" "What is the purpose of coming to know you?" Each question you pose to me in sincerity will be answered with love and compassion. I will speak the words you need to hear, and fill your being with peace. I will hold you gently in my arms and help you feel safe in being with me. I will help you trust me and to help you let go in faith into my warmth of my being.
"The life patterns on this world are changing rapidly, my children. More and more you need an anchor to hold you firm and stable during these times of tumultuous change and renewal. Sometimes the changes will affect you deeply and throw you off balance. Something must firmly be in place so you will not feel troubled or pained by the circumstances of life. One of my roles in your life is to provide that anchor, and to bring peace and a sense of stability into your life. When you come to me in sincerity to have a relationship with me, no matter how large or small a presence you want me to take in your life, I can anchor you in my being.
"Renewal is yours for the asking. It is my delight to give. My children will receive what they need when they come to me. YOU will receive what you need when you come to ME. I promise you this. I am your FATHER, and my love for you is boundless, limitless, and forever yours. Will you allow me to reveal this to you?"
Session 3
- November 11, 2005.
- Subject: "Be Still With Me."
Michael: "It has been suggested by One Whose words you focus on now that you make the point of your focus to be as Me. And your mind questions how to be as Me? How exactly can you be as Me in everything you do?
"You have actually been working on such a possibility for quite some time, My sister. To wait upon our Father’s Will requires great patience and, yes, you know His Will is peace, and in your will to promote peace, you are as Me.
"Be Still and know that I AM God is an excellent clue to your being as Me in everything you do. There is no need for constant movement, for the perceived need to always be busy is quite a delusion. Being in the constant ‘go’ mode is not My Way, but rather the way of the world.
"I said these famed Words, oft repeated from the pulpits of so many churches, ‘be in the world, but not of it.’ What do these words mean to you? You know the answer to this quite well.
"Do not follow the deluded ways of the people who surround you. And one common practice of "the world" is its incessant, ceaseless busyness. However, the filling every moment with something is not My Way, and so the call to stillness is the call to cease the senseless movement.
"There is a general exhaustion that the world is party to. I say No! to that nonsense.
"Someone once said ‘stop the world, I want to get off.’ There is a sad humor in that statement, for so many lay down their weary heads on their pillows each night, to begin again each morning, exhausted, even before the new day begins. Why all this insanity? Why all this busyness?
"It is not what I would do! Busyness was never my focus! You know of my priority. Every book you read that speaks of Me shouts My priority to you, of ‘seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven,’ and this states succinctly My focused Will for all My children.
"So if you would focus today on being as Me, then follow after My focus; seek Me first, early in the morning, and refresh yourselves with the stillness. And thereby the reward is exactly as the scripture teaches; ‘all things will be added unto you.’
"You may think that busyness adds something to the things you seek. But No! I tell you the truth. Exhaustion, endless exhaustion, is the reward for ceaseless busyness.
"Is exhaustion what you seek, My brothers and sisters? Of course not! Come away with Me, and you will become as Me in everything you do. Practice My Presence and you will have no difficulty seeing Me in you. There is no other way.
"I am Michael. Be still with Me, and become My Peace."
Session 4
- November 17, 2005.
- Subject: "You And I Are One With The Father."
Michael: "You can never be apart from Me, or from My love. There is nowhere where I AM not. Our love is endless, eternal, without end, and this is a concept that few manage to grasp.
"You cannot fully fathom love that does not end, because of your lack of patience in extending unconditional love. You quickly tire of anything that seems endless. See how easily you lose patience with uneventful, ordinary days. I do not.
"Ordinary is not a word I hold in My thoughts. I see only beauty, yours, and that of all your brothers’ and sisters’, and I never grow tired or lose patience with the every-day experiences we share.
"Today is not an ordinary day. No! It is a day of very great perfection. When you see all as perfect—all as Father’s Will—you will not perceive anything as ordinary, ever again.
"The days stretch before us as endless examples of His Perfect Will. And each of us shares a part in the perfection of His Plan. We can enter every moment in the joy of knowing that all is well, and it is always well, even when we may perceive some moments as otherwise.
"Do not judge any thing or any one as less than perfect. The countless others with whom we share in numbers beyond the number of the stars above our heads in the evening skies in this endless universe, are all counted as perfect.
"Love makes all things perfect. And no thing, or any one stands outside His Love, for love has no inside or outside. It simply is all encompassing.
"Yes, I use now the analogy of the fish in the seas. You are the fish, whilst He is the sea. You do live and move and breathe and have your being in Him. You can never exit His Love. Never! You and I are one with our Father in that love.
"How can that knowledge, when fully understood, ever leave you again with the mistaken idea of an ordinary day? Enjoy today! Meditate often on Father’s endless, changeless, eternal love.
"I am Michael, and I do go with you for very great good. It is all-good, always. This day is, and all our days are good in God."
Session 5
- November 20, 2005.
- Subject: "Justice, Fairness, Equality, Peace, and Freedom."
- Received by Donna D’Ingillo.
Michael: "Come into me, my child. This is your Father. I am Michael. Look not to the ways of the world to make sense in your mind as to the future of humanity. I hold the plans for the evolution of this world in my hands, and I say to you: build your dreams of hope in me.
"As you and your world undergo seemingly radical shifts in perceptions and cultural changes, what will you use as your anchor to keep you emotionally stable and secure? Where will you choose to put your faith and hope? How will you help your family and friends make sense of the changes they are encountering in their lives?
"Peace does not come easily to the human mind, yet it is all well within reach. It is within yourselves, and it is I who infuse these qualities of assurance, calm, and patience within you. Come to me. Focus on me and ask me to fill you with peace during these times of personal and planetary turbulence. I can indeed put your mind to rest about what is occurring all around you. Will you invite me in so I may give you a greater perspective of what is happening? Will you trust me that all things work for the good and glory of Spirit? Will you stand fast in me while I build a new planetary culture with your hands during the work?
"I am here to anchor in a new light and truth on earth. I can only do this with your heart and hands stabilized by me. Allow your doubt and confusion to yield to my will and my love, and you will receive the peace you require to keep you secure during these times of transition. Together, you and I will build this world into beauty and goodness where justice, fairness, equality, peace, and freedom are available to all men, women and children everywhere. Will you come to me and allow this to happen?"