2005-10-30-Journey Of Your Life, Build Your World In Peace
Topic: Journey of Your Life, Build Your World in Peace
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Session 1
"My children, the time of love is upon you. This is your Mother, and I am here to give you all of the love that you have been deprived of for long generations. The SPIRIT has long been hidden in the hearts of my children of this world, but no longer is it to be kept secret within. My love is bursting forth all over the world, and especially within you when you open your heart more and say "YES" to life!
"These precious secrets to life are all carefully safeguarded seeds within your deepest essence. You may even feel them stirring within your heart from time to time. This is your reminder that new growth wishes to emerge from the inside to express itself outwardly. It is safe for you to release them, and you do this by calling upon me, as your Divine Mother, and ask me to bring them into being. I am the life force and I activate these wonderful seeds of your potential as I give you the opportunities you need to express them.
"It is safe indeed to come alive and become all that is within you. You will not be hurt or disrespected in doing this. You will find new places of strength and inner peace in saying yes to life, and you will be given courage to open your heart. All you need to do is say "YES!" I will take you the rest of the way. My breath of life sparks the willingness you need to come into the fullness of abundant, joy-filled, radiant life. Everything awaits you if you will simply open your heart to me.
"The journey into abundant life unfolds with each decision you make based on your heart-felt trust. Trusting in me, trusting in your Universe Father to provide for you, trusting in a loving and friendly universe that is your living laboratory and playground sets the stage for your life to unfold to your heart’s content. Traveling this path into life will take you into places where you have not yet ventured, but you do not go there alone. I am with you every step of the way, and your Father is too. We will hold your hands as you take your faith steps into life.
"Walk boldly into life, my children. Walk proudly knowing that you are a beloved child of SPIRIT. Walk with your Father and me and me and know that each step you take is being lovingly guided. You cannot fail; you can only succeed when you dare to live the life that wants to burst forth from inside. I will take you on the journey of your LIFE!"
Session 2
November 13, 2005.
Divine Mother: "Dearest child, your MOTHER is longing to embrace you and fill you with peace. The time of building peace on this planet is NOW. Too long have the wages of war filled this world, and many cultures are now realizing that the ways of conflict and strife are damaging to the human heart and soul.
"This is the call of Spirit awakening each heart into the ways of peace, and into the body of your Divine Father, Michael. His Essence is that of peace, and He longs to fill you entirely with His Presence. I, as your Mother, and the carrier of the life-force, long to build you in His Peace. Our desire for our human children of this world is to cast aside the ways of war and hate and to see with spiritual eyes how to settle conflicts in more loving ways.
"When peace is ringing in your heart, you will receive the highest means to settle your problems with tolerance, mutual understanding and cooperation. Too often the human intellect tries to negotiate conflicts with sophistry and ideology. The desire for peace must be stronger than the need to prevail with one’s intellect. The human heart’s need for serenity and unity has been silent for too long as the pain of war has made deep scars upon it.
"Our healing power softens the scars of war and builds the desire for peace strongly within your cells. Come into us as your Divine Parents and allow us to build the foundation of peace deep into your core. We will create a new structure in you for you to carry outwardly to share with your fellows. You will build your world in peace through our movement within you.
Take us in and make peace on earth a reality."