2005-10-31-Your Introspective Views
Topic: Your Introspective Views
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am enjoying your good-natured attitudes this evening. While this night has been known for its superstition, your humor has brought it to a level of common sense. We can see down through the centuries how many superstitions were allowed to fade away, while the truth of everyday living was more fully embraced. It takes life to gain spiritual benefits, as well as evolutionary ones. Lessons learned from one generation are passed down to the next and while erroneous thinking may filter through, personal experience for the most part builds a springboard to a better age.
This evening you bid farewell to an old friend. I am in appreciation of your introspective ideas. You are not burdened by old traditional beliefs, but are embracing what you have learned so far with even greater possibilities. Pain in the mortal life can be overwhelming and Father has given you one another to bring balance to living. As this Teaching Mission progresses we will see weak points here and there in the overall structure. It is our fellowship however that is our true strength.
It is difficult in the everyday world to be your true self with what seems to be character flaws that no one else has or can understand. Gratitude to Father for giving us one another here in these small groups, for we can set aside judgment in favor of brotherhood. It is common knowledge that you each would help one another and even bend over backwards if need be. This is crucial to learn in our Mission experience. It brings us a step closer to Light and Life.
I am MARY. I am grateful to be among you, to see the best in you, to see your true character, your humor, your various perspectives. I do love learning about you. Along the lines of Abraham’s discussion, I for one am grateful to those I worked side by side with while dwelling in the mortal body. Those who knew and loved me then, always did what they could to help me become better. They wanted for my happiness and success, as I also wanted for theirs.
Those who judged me, made me feel small and useless, I thank God for the Master’s ministry, for He made me realize my true worth as a child of God and as a cosmic citizen. Knowing Jesus, learning from Him, experiencing the ministry, made me lean more toward self-mastery. I felt not as an imbalanced, struggling mortal, but a learning child, who was indeed advancing slowly, but still advancing.
Many experiences in life appear to be barriers to what you feel your goals are. I can say now that these barriers are most definitely our key to spiritual advancement. It is those things you can’t really touch, see or feel that will be most perplexing and yet, always exercising our mind to advance or to become more, yes, to evolve. This Mission is an anchor in the stormy seas of mortal living. It is a gift for all who participate.
Life is really not so much about winning the race as it is learning how to carry on in the face of any obstacle. Know that we are very appreciative of your efforts to carry on with blind faith. Myself and Abraham do know the struggles of mortal life. Know that we both believe you are doing well in helping us to progress in the Master’s cause.
That is all for the evening. We will meet again. In the meantime have not worry. Make effort to see those individuals you come across as you see one another here. After all, we are riding out the stormy seas together. Know that Michael’s banner is set high in a cloudless sky. From Abraham and myself, we bid you farewell and shalom.