2005-11-28-Monjoronson, Take Two
Topic: Monjoronson, Take Two
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Session 1
George: The all-observing Midwayer Chief, and his all-observing human helper simply failed to notice that the tape recorder was not working. Here we are again, and should it so please you, let us do this again. This is take two."
Bzutu: "This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. Before I begin here is my message to your ‘sunshiny’ partner; that her teacher, Aaron, is waiting in the wings, and that within the next few days he will be here to speak with her.
"My message for today deals with the difficulties that are being encountered with the Monjoronson issue. There are those who believe Monjoronson is a reality, and there are those who believe that he is merely the product of wishful thinking.
"Then there are the Celestials, who consider that they are here to do a job, and that you, our human partners, are here to do a job also, and that somehow you should be able to get along with each other no matter what your personal belief systems may be.
"You have a job to do. You have a job to do, that you, the human mind in conjunction with your Thought Adjuster accepted as your task. It has nothing whatever, nothing at all to do with your belief in Monjoronson, or your belief in his not being a reality!
"So, therefore I ask you to approach your brothers and sisters and see where it is that you can repair your situation. Repair your damaged friendships and carry on with the jobs you undertook to complete.
"This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I thank you for your time. Adieu."
Session 2
Illawarra District, Australia, December 17, 2005. Subject: "Christmas Greetings." "The Next Generation." [part transmission only].
Bzutu: "This is where we are, this is our realm, our playground, midway between your Angels, your Seraphim, your Destiny Guardians, your Cherubim, and you -- our mortal brothers and sisters -- the charges for which we care.
"It is my pleasant duty as leader of this growing clan, to give you our Christmas wishes, to extend to you our best wishes for this celebratory season from all of us in the Morontia Realms that are tutoring you, that are prompting you, and that are teaching you.
"From us, the Midwayer and Angelic Forces, held back from progress for so many centuries, so many millennia, we wish you all a great Christmas Season. And we also thank you; all of you in the Progress Group, for the mighty work you have done, for the care that you have taken. I will remind you that it is you the present of this organization that are going to have a major impact on the many generations to come.
"You cannot, and indeed we cannot, estimate the value of the teachings that you are distributing and archiving to the greater glory of the Creator Father of All.
"We have little experience in a world freed from oppression. We are now moving towards a wondrous time of Light and Life. But we can assure you that your efforts of today will have a magnificent result in the future of the many that are to come, following you on their path to paradise. I thank you for allowing me to forward this wish for the Christmas and Holiday season on behalf of the many whose hearts and souls are with your progress. This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu."