2005-12-03-You Know Why You Have Come Here
Topic: You Know Why You Have Come Here
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Unknown
Michael: "You are quite astute today, My sister, in expressing a great truth, for indeed, you do know why you have come into this life experience. You have come to show forth our Father’s love by extending His loving thoughts, words and actions as your own.
"Life is that simple, but societies have changed the rules, and the rulers themselves make God’s children the victims of the improprieties of the rules. This is a statement, which you and I could discuss all day today. However you understand My Words quite easily without any discussion whatever.
"The rulers create standards that are not our Father’s standards. Only mankind punishes when its rules are broken. Our Father sees every mistake as a simple opportunity for His children to learn from, and make better choices in the future.
"Your mind races immediately to the murderers, the killing, the carnage of war, and the chaos everywhere. Yes, all of these mistakes should leave mankind with the simple realization of the need to make better choices. When will it end, My sister?
"One by one our Father’s children are evolving to that higher, better-choice consciousness, for the evolution of God consciousness is happening now. Yet, great patience is required. In doing everything possible to evolve your own God consciousness, you are not alone, since countless millions are doing their part, also, and that number is a constantly being added to.
"Your heart leaps for joy at that prospect, and so I tell you today to simply keep progressing, exactly as you are.
"You understand completely the unity of our Father with each and every one of His beautiful and most beloved children. Yes, there are godless actions, clearly, mistakes that need better choices, but there are no children who are without God because of godless choices.
"The times are changing for the better. Keep your own personal forward momentum, for the path of right thinking comes from the choice for righteousness. Yes, you have made your share of mistakes, just as all His children have had their goodly share of mistakes. And every mistake has led you to make better choices.
"This is the Plan. It is Perfect! Again I say; be patient, for all is well. Evolution is Father’s Plan, and it is a Perfect Plan in spite of the chaos that it seems to project.
"Smile! Hug! Laugh right out loud and often! Project emphatically your knowledge of these great Words. I am Michael."