2005-12-15-Receptivity To Spirit What Exercise Is To Body

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Topic: Receptivity To Spirit What Exercise Is To Body

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: Divine parents, you know all things and therefore do you know the desire of our hearts to come closer to you in this hour and always. We would reach out for you at this time, the children of yours that we are, knowing that you are there to accept our embrace. Thank you for all you do for us to send your messengers of truth to be close to us. Thank you for all this and so much more. Now we ask you to join us as we form this circuit right now, right here. Sit as those among us in our circle.

Monjoronson: I greet you all, I am Monjoronson and I am one who will step forward to accept your invitation to join your circle, your circuit, in this hour. I desire to share energy with you and among you so that you may more readily identify my energy signature as I make myself more available to you in the days to come.


You who are here in this forum have chosen to be active in the realm of spiritual growth and spiritual change and I welcome you all as loyal and steadfast comrades in this service endeavor that we both have chosen. We have both come to this forum of our own free will with our desire to serve being forefront in our intentions and we have been granted unparalleled access to each other as the result.

What transpires even in this moment is nothing short of miraculous on this realm and even so we have embraced this as our format and adopted this style to suit our needs at this time. Those who join this forum are devoted to advancement of spirit both individually and in the form of our service collectively. It is important to foster both realms of growth, the individual and the collective, as they are dependent on each other for their ultimate success. We must each one never forsake the duty to self, the obligation to the soul, the paying attention to the yearning of the spirit. These are things we must give their due consideration and allow them their adequate expression. As well we are motivated to be about the Father's business in the form of outreach and this is another area of spiritual growth that we have asked to drink this cup.

When you consider the lofty world affairs of bringing this planet into the stages of light and life, the task before you seems enormous even impossible of undertaking but your individual role as spiritual ascendant and your collective role as willing participant are easy of understanding and fulfilling one day at a time. This is how we enter the stages of light and life, one day at a time, not with grandiose affairs or sweeping changes but rather one soul, one heart, one individual at a time. They enter of their own free will as we will.

We who are in awareness of these principles also yearn and desire to be helpful in this process and then we are granted the privilege of service. We seize on this opportunity of service to demonstrate our willingness to participate in the Father's grand plan and we may focus on our efforts abroad to the exclusion of our individual internal efforts. But we are only as potent abroad as we are individually, therefore is it required of each of us that we be disciplined, that we undertake our studies, that we undertake our devotions of faith, that we practice the avenue of stillness and then await in receptivity.

These activities are as important to the spirit as movement and exercise are to the body. We must exercise the spirit as well. We must build up the strength of the soul and such activities begin at home with the individual in the center, in the very middle and with themes of stillness we are able to connect this very center, this very middle to the very center of all that is and therein is spiritual growth.

Also we are learning to function as a team, a team of climbers, a team of light workers, a team of dedicated soldiers, a team of active players on the stage of what is a dynamic and evolving landscape. I have been very pleased to witness the devotion of those who would come to forums such as this. It proves the miracle of the Father having found you for you to be seeking so actively for the Father and it is a joy to behold.

I cherish this opportunity for service in partnership with you each one. I have been given the mandate to institute this next correcting phase and I look for volunteers and I am pleased to see so many strong willed individuals rise to this occasion. Together we form a team and on our team we have the Creator Himself, therefore nothing we undertake can be considered impossible. We simply align our will with the will of the Creator and then our team becomes invincible.

I welcome you each onto this team as players on this stage, as active participants we will together shape this new environment. We will play our roles to the fullest. Let our devotion pour forth and be fulfilled in service and be our gifts to the Father Himself.

Thank you Father for such a team as this. May we bring you joy in our efforts. May we align our intentions with yours. May we hear your suggestions and may you be there with us as we move forward in this process. May you help us with the uncertainty of what that means and may you show us each step of the way that you are on our team, you are with us each one and this is your desire.

I would like now to make opportunity for interaction between any individuals who would have questions or comments to offer to this forum.


Q: Monjoronson I was wondering about working collectively and how the energy of each individual can feed off of each other. Is that energy a new type of energy that is coming to be?

Monjoronson: The energy itself is not new but rather the awareness of the energy is and the next step after awareness, is wielding some ability to focus and control, and this is the step we are currently engaged in. No longer are we attempting to identify that there is this energy but we are reacting on the realization that this energy is there and is a component of our being and we are actively deciding to take the next step and begin to focus and harness some of this energy which is present and which may be augmented by such techniques.

There are as well, new found circuits of energy which are becoming available almost daily to this world as more and more individuals become awakened to their spirit potential and the nature of the unlimited component of themselves. More and more individuals are awakening to the realization that there is an aspect of them which is timeless and which does not have the same conditions upon it as their physical vehicles have. As the population more and more discovers this aspect of themselves they will desire to utilize this aspect and desire to learn how to focus and harness these energies.

This is of course, what you are engaged in presently at this moment, is the understanding and manipulation of the circuit we are both enjoying right now. Even this circuit has undergone evolutionary changes and those familiar with the beginnings of this T/R process will testify to its having undergone significant changes since its inception. These energy circuits are exactly what you all are attempting to identify and utilize and the more you experiment with the different circuits, their effects and their principles, you are the more able to have some influence over these energy circuits, even contributing your own direction and taking advantage of movement within a circuit to propel you in a given direction.

These skills that you are honing now are the ones necessary to traverse in the spiritual plane just as sailors needed to have sailing experience to traverse the open seas, you are learning to get your sea legs while discovering a whole new sea to sail upon. Would there be any more contributions?

Q: Monjoronson, there's been some information that's becoming available to our western world that comes from eastern philosophies such as Feng Shui or Vedic architecture, and as relates to the conversation and questions here tonight, is there any validity to that or is there things that we can do in our physical environment, our homes for example, that affect our physical vehicles that can help us harness these energies and connect with these circuits that you are referring to? Monjoronson: There is no question that your environment has maximum amounts of impact on your physical being. This speaks to everything from the sunshine on your face, to the ice under your feet, to the light in your eyes, the sounds in your ears, the fragrances that you smell, the clothes you wear, the air you breathe, the sounds you hear, every aspect of your environment is attempting to impact your senses.

The eastern philosophies you mentioned, have over long periods of time, simply observed the changes in nature caused by the impact of environment on self. Through these long periods of observation they have identified certain components to environment which have greater or lesser effects on the senses and have simply compiled this information as a result of trial and error or rather trial and effect. You make these observations every day. You turn down the radio if the stimulus is too much, you turn up the heat if that stimulus is too little, you turn on the exhaust fan when cooking, you turn on your air conditioner when it's muggy.

All these are conditioning your environment to be more acceptable and so of course while you still maintain these sensory laden vehicles you will be subject to the push and pull of environmental stimuli. This is an arena where you may have a positive impact on your spiritual disposition by the stimulants you choose to allow in to your mind, your heart and your soul. By allowing in soothing supporting proper stimulants you boost confidence and good will. Likewise by allowing in harmful, hurtful or sad influences you impact your internal psyche.

As a human of the realm, you are striving to be guarded against the contamination of your being by improper stimulants, and as well you are to foster the promotion of proper stimulants. This is an important aspect for your physical vehicle but it extends beyond the impact to the creature into the realms of the spirit. When the physical vehicle is challenged by overstimulation, the mind and the soul cannot rest. Therefore I would state that there is certain validity to the principle that environment and environmental stimuli are an important component of your landscape and deserve proper consideration for their impact on your spiritual nature. Does this respond adequately?

Q: Yes, that helps and encourages me to look further into it, but if I may ask for refinement or further clarification on improper and proper stimulants. There are things that are clear to us that we know directly from our senses but as relates to these two proper or improper stimulants, are the effects of how we design our environments or households, are there unseen things to us that are affected by these designs?

Monjoronson: Most of what is affected is unseen. It is on the psychological and spiritual level that these effects are most deeply registered. It is a rather easy and simple matter to make decisions as to what are good stimulants and bad stimulants when one confines their definitions to the physical realm. Either it is too loud or too soft, too soothing or too rowdy. It is either this or it is that based upon the definition of your sensory impact. There is another level of proper and improper stimulants to the soul and those are much more difficult of discernment.

Examples of a proper stimulant to the soul would be a proper attitude of worship or prayer or service. Those attitudes promote well being, goodness, truth , beauty, peace, love. Improper to the soul would be those things which obstruct those things I just mentioned. You would have obstructions of doubt, obstructions of fear, obstructions of jealousies, obstructions of worry. These contaminants have major impact on the environment of the soul and we must learn to control them, to turn them down just as you would turn down the volume of something that was uncomfortably loud.

We even can learn to turn them off just as you would turn off an unpleasant image on your television screens. We have this control over our individual souls and we must learn to exercise this as one of our energy circuits we are becoming familiar with. Does this help to illuminate further?

Q: Yes thank you for your guidance my elder brother.

Monjoronson: Thank you for your willing participation in this turning of this next page. Would there be any other final contributions?

Q: Monjoronson, I have recently become aware of one of the negative influences of the soul that has been dragging me down some and that is the feelings of anger and resentment about past events and I really felt that was pulling me down and in trying to find some relief from them it seemed that the avenue of escape would just be forgiveness, to just let go of those feelings of judgements about those past events. No longer giving my energy to recreating, reenacting or reliving those negative experiences. It seems to be helping and I'm just wondering if you could add any comments about this process of forgiveness and the healing that it brings.

Monjoronson: A-h-h-h yes, you have correctly identified the process necessary to undergo wherein the individual must come to a place of reconciliation which is only completely possible with the component of forgiveness. And you are right to set out in pursuit of mastering this avenue, however I will open an entirely new circuit in your approach to pursue forgiveness, pursue reconciliation, pursue understanding.

You have a vast and powerful tool at your disposal my friend. You have the commitment of the Father. You have the commitment of the Creator to help you in this process. You need not go it alone. Your having correctly identified the direction in which you would like to move, I welcome you and encourage you then to incorporate into your movement the desire of your Father to help. He has provided you a technique whereby you may turn over to Him your past traumas. You may turn over to Him your shortcomings, you may turn over to Him everything about you [that] you feel does not rise to the occasion and he has committed to you each one to help you in this process, to lighten your burdens, to lift you up.

He is your parent who would lift you up and dust off your pants when you have fallen. He Is your Parent who is waiting for you to bring your sorrows and your sadness that He may comfort you. He Is your Parent that forgives you all things but awaits you to recognize Him as having done so. He Is your greatest tool, your biggest asset, your connection to all. I implore you each one to activate this connection, do not forsake it. It is another of those circuits that you seek even in this hour, but it is the biggest, grandest.


Avail yourselves of this circuit. Drink deeply of this cup and you will find that your greatest burdens are lifted, your aspirations are granted and the desires of your souls are embraced. I'm going to draw this meeting to a close and release this T/R at this time. I thank you all for having participated in this undertaking and I tell you plainly I am looking forward to our future interactions. Thank you all, I withdraw for now.