2005-12-19-Spiritual Inventory
Topic: Spiritual Inventory, Emotions, & Truth
Group: Rio Rancho TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean
Gerdean: As a T/R, I just want to tell you what an interesting experience it is, sometimes, at these events, to see the parade of personalities who are here. For instance, Machiventa stopped by, and Father Abraham also is present.
Linda: Welcome. We feel so privileged.
Gerdean: Michael is here peripherally. Tomas is here and there are a number of other entities that I have not seen before but who seem to be new somehow, like, perhaps, the Soul of Wisdom . .. those kinds of more morontial or ethereal values than our minds are accustomed to.
Linda: Welcome, and Merry Christmas to you all.
Gerdean: And Midwayer Jack is here as well, so it really does feel like a full house. And I’m feeling too emotional, so I’m going to go off-line for a minute.
Linda: Well, thanks for coming, you guys.
TOMAS: And we appreciate your attendance, as well. This is Tomas, your "handy man and celestial spokesman" as it were. It is an honor to be a part of this Association of Beings which seeks to embrace your consciousness and envelop you in the divine embrace, inculcating you, as it were, into the universe. This naturally requires that you occasionally dissociate yourself from the material in which you are housed, in order for you to perceive and embellish, through choices, that which will become enduring, lasting, eternal.
There is much afoot in the local universe and on your experimental life station, Urantia, of course, although not exclusively; there are other places in the universe also requiring a great deal of administrative and service help. Your sister planets in rebellion, for instance, are engaging in similar unique and augmented assistance -- even those which are not experimental life stations but which are controlled by pattern.
Another development is the news of the Second Revelatory Commission, the attempt now, at this point in your evolving consciousness, that will allow you and your fellow sojourners an opportunity to reach beyond your immediate and daily lives into the cosmic fold of understanding more about your place in the universe and, subsequently, how to convey that comfort and assurance to the fear-ridden populace of your world.
Rapture, you see, is a theory based on a need, a human need which arises as a result of the sense of cosmic orphan-hood, which Urantia experiences in the direct wake of rebellion and default, and we must deal now with the effect of that cause ~ and, for (your) assurance, it will be required that this echo of dissociation from divinity will continue diminishing, ever diminishing, in its animalistic and selfish presentation.
The opportunity has come for you to propose questions extending beyond your common sphere of interest into unseen realms, which may introduce to you ideas and ways and means which have been proven to be workable throughout the universe and which you might have the ability to employ if you have the conviction that what you hear is Truth. People are hungry for truth. While truth will frighten some people, it will also save others. For this reason, we are happy to be associated with this, a planet which is experimental in itself, yes, but which also provides opportunity for tremendous experimentation of your own.
And while some very clever public relations can affect millions ~ over a period of time, it is likewise true that appropriate ~ "good news" can be ignited by the right ~ winds of change and spark of inspiration ~ that will distribute a wild fire across the prairie of your lives ~ allowing all to see ~ your smoke signals of reality ~ that reality which satisfies the soul and quenches the thirst ~ quells the appetite, soothes the savage beast, and prevails with all mankind.
That is what we all seek for and yield to ~ that is what we are joined together in ~ that transcends all the differences: philosophies, theologies, even worlds. Seek Truth. Ask out of curiosity, but seek Truth. By pursuing new truths, you are given new obligations and responsibilities to apply yourself in promulgating such truth to others. Assume the source of your strength to be in the Spirit. Otherwise, this work cannot be done. You will burn out, like the prairie fire without wind.
What is most essential and yet what is hardest to convey is how this is entirely shrouded, upheld and expressed by and as and through Love. You must invite divine love into your heart. "Knock, and the door will open." "Seek and ye shall find." "Abide therein." "Be in the world but not of it." "Be of good cheer." Amen.
Linda: Amen.
Thoroah: Thank you, Tomas.
TOMAS: I am at your service. I am here to serve you in your ambassadorial efforts to bring light of understanding to your world. How have you been about the Father’s business? How have you seen the Father’s work working through you and with you? Have you seen the Father’s light come alive in the minds of others as a result of your efforts with Him? Has your consciousness of God indwelling others accelerated light and life for Urantia? Have you extended the embrace of the family of God into the arena where you work and play?
Will you have made a mark? What kind of mark will it be? What have you done for God today? What have you given to Him in creation of the Supreme? Has your intent been good? Is your righteousness based on what you know or what you are? How are you made more in conjunction with God? How have you been relating to/ in association with the God who dwells within you? Are you becoming more aware of Its presence … more mindful of Its guidance … more accepting of Its direction … more cautious of Its advisements … and more accepting of Its affection?
Are you becoming able to acknowledge your will, while it is engaged in divine co-creation? Are you able to see how God works through you, even when your own will is compelling you to act or react? Are you able to hold onto the hem of His garment in the face of fear, and thus refrain from panic? Are you then able to forge on ~ in faith of overcontrol and destination ahead ~ even while you remember to be still, and experience the oneness of perfection in the obliteration of the self into the full self of energy and might?
I recite poetry as your hungry hearts seek expression. How can I make up for my Self interjecting upon your Self? Come forth and be with me. Show your Self, that we may show others the truth of our being.
Linda: Thank you, Tomas. I had a feeling you wanted us to say something.
Do I know if I touch people everyday? Am I aware of God-consciousness all the time? I’m not sure. You just do what you think is best at the moment in time. Sometimes it turns out that it feels like it’s okay. You hope that you are. Your intent is always that you are. So… But-- being dramatic things, we have no idea. Not that we know of.
TOMAS: You are allowing God to operate through you, even unconsciously. Yes, it is often better that way, than those who take up the banner of Truth and clobber their following, beating them upon the head and shoulders about their inabilities and insignificance. This, of course, is anathema to the spirit, which seeks expression. Those are held captive. This is what is meant when it is said that Jesus came to set the spiritual captives free.
Linda: Well, sometimes you see spiritual captives, but you really can’t intrude upon their way of thinking -- and wanting to pray for their loved ones and expecting miracles where honestly there won’t be one because physical bodies give up, as they do. You know? You sort of want to try to correct them but without intruding upon their already established religious beliefs, et cetera.
TOMAS: There is always ‘undying hope.’
Linda: Yes, there is, and that’s what you don’t want to ever intrude upon that.
TOMAS: Although, as an ambassador of the living God, it is to everyone’s advantage when you can reassure everyone of the fact of everlastingness, which is potential within the hearts of all the King’s men.
Linda: That’s a touchy subject to—
Thoroah: You have more of an assurance of the safety of death, I guess.
Linda: I guess.
TOMAS: The problem seems to come from the fear of the unknown, as well as the sense of loss.
Linda: Um-hum.
TOMAS: This is an indication of how dependent mortals are on one another. This, too, is an effect of the Lucifer rebellion and Adamic default, for without the confidence instilled within you from before your inception of a space created for your safety and development, you will cringe at the apposite reflection of that promise, and thus cling to the other (lesser) representations of reality which present themselves. And when family does (cling to fear), when loved ones do (cling to lesser reality), we seek to enhance the value inherent in the association rather than the inherent weakness of the cloying, for it is understood that this is part of your conditioning. ("It’s only human!")
The antithesis of that, which is detachment, is often mistaken for not caring, as it is unemotional in its presentation. But there are ways to care for each other that have not been developed, not discovered, identified and developed in ways which would be helpful in the future toward creating light and life which you could do as a collective new consciousness, a superconsciousness, united in purpose, if all circumstances were held … auspiciously. And this is what will come about as a result of your seeking for Truth.
Truth is not cruel. It is elevating. Allow yourself to feel safe in the universe, even as you may become more and more mindful of how vulnerable you are in the material sense, for the fear-mongering of the current global paradigm will be presenting fear as something from which to hide, but the Father will not grow if He is hidden, if you encourage Him to hide. Rather, be of good cheer -- and not in the emotional sense so much as in the spiritual sense ~ that which you know to be true as well as Truth. It is the essential Truth.
Thoroah: Tomas, you mentioned earlier in your "way" moment of . .. ‘do we know the difference between what we know and who we are’ and just then you related to the truth ‘as we know to be the truth’ ~ and intermingled within that is the emotion aspect of everything. And you talked about the emotion as it relates to our feelings and emotions (or what we know), and our emotion as it relates to our spiritual nature.
I’m wondering about this emotion part, if emotions as we know them are part of the experiment. Is the spiritualizing of these emotions we have...? Because I take it [that] these emotions are one of the big challenges we have to deal with because everything in our whole life is based on our emotions. We do everything emotionally, and all of the depictions I have seen of creative, extra- terrestrial activity with us, our emotions are always a part of that equation, part of the curiosity of this particular race.
I’m wondering if other people in our [galactic] neighborhood have the same kind of emotional things to deal with as we do, or if it is something that is unique.
TOMAS: "Unique" is the quick answer, because your emotions are/fall under the mind’s authority. How you think is how you act; and, therefore, your thinking will reflect your responses to your experiences.
As I talked about in Fruits of the Spirit, in the nurturing of character, you can study yourself by observing your own emotional reaction to your environment. For example, when you reflect judgment through a reaction to an idea, through righteous indignation or intimate comprehension, you have assessed and reacted because of how you think, how you perceive the situation, [or] the information that came at you. Your mind, therefore, controls (to a great extent) what comes at you, in terms of ideas, as they are expressed through behaviors.
Here is the source of suspicion: when someone’s behaviors are unfamiliar or foreign to that which you have known; therefore, your mind essentially controls all of how you feel and emote about your existence, with the priceless potential expression of the spirit, which was seeded within you when you first responded to life’s situations from a moral standpoint -- that standpoint accounting you now as able to make those decisions which can and will enhance or retard your advancement into eternal realities.
Your consciousness sets out under your direction and you create that which will be known as you … in conjunction with your pre-personal spark of divinity … so that your efforts together will eventuate in an entity of survival status; thus, the value of true awareness. And this super-consciousness enables you to see how you handle your own awareness and how it -- being greater than your original and mortal animal self -- will become identifiable as that greater reality which will eventually learn to transcend the compelling energies of the material world in such a way as you will be able to align yourself more with the divine than you do with the human race, even while you are poignantly and painfully aware of what the human race does, individually and collectively, as it seeks to conform itself to its handicaps, so that it might re-program itself through a different decision, a different direction than it did the last time it made a decision.
Trust me when I tell you it is a very big undertaking. From the human perspective it is unimaginably complicated, and overwhelming perhaps, but it will be done because it is in the divine plan. It even transcends my comprehension and I have a far greater perspective than you do. And I tell you this not to indicate how much more I know than you do, or that you are inferior in any way, but rather to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you in the realization that we do not know all the answers in the universe, but that we will advance together in the search for all that is to be revealed in the experiential adventure ahead, traversing the spheres and the universes into Paradise and then beyond.
Linda: What’s beyond Paradise?
TOMAS: Look at your environment, daughter, and tell me what is your idea of Paradise?
Linda: Actually, what you see right outside my front door there.
TOMAS: That is precisely what I hoped you would say, for that is what I wanted you to see. At one time you began with your own consciousness and a piece of real estate, but over time, you have developed and created paradise, even as we now are developing and creating Paradise in our efforts, on a daily basis -- to enhance the reality that is eternal. You add a room as we add a mansion world. You add a fence as we add a dimension. And ultimately you find yourself where there are few improvements to be made; it is complete. It is perfect. And that is how we advance, too, into Paradise.
We are creating perfection as we go ~ and as we stand in Paradise ~ knowing that we have done all that we have been required to do ~ in the creation of this sublime place ~ we rest therein ~ in full knowledge of the cyclical nature of divinity ~ and we consciously, deliberately and ultimately ~ set out upon a further extension of the original ~ striving for perfection ~ incorporating more and more of the greater universe in the process ~ ad infinitum ~ into eternity … new worlds, new extensions ~ unfolding and unfurling as the rose bud in spring ~ ullness being replaced by yet greater and more fullness – a constant cycle of relative perfection ~ advancing into more perfection.
Always ~ in the face of our aim ~ our eyes will be encountering ~ the imperfections of the process ~ but rather than that being fearsome or overwhelming ~ you need to develop the confidence of the Father ~ for that same power and authority of His might ~ is within your own grasp ~ and as you grasp ~ as you become ~ you will be steering the craft of your advancement ~ and those of your fellows ~ as they, too, navigate their craft ~ forward ~ into the unique and unending adventure ~ of the divine will.
Linda: Sounds pretty exciting. I think it is pretty exciting. Because I think whenever you do the Father’s will, whether you are conscious of it or not, there is a resultant good feeling that you have, like a positive thing that would make you want to do that again. It’s a positive feeling, or emotion.
TOMAS: This is the feeling that is a result of your association with the spirit, as compared to your emotions which are a result of your experience with the mind – the mind that has been loaned to you in your life here. When you resurrect with a new mind, your identification with emotions will be those feelings which are a result of the higher mind, the Universal Mind, with its utter cooperation with the Universal Father – that which indwells you – in the completion of your being.
Linda: Meanwhile, back at the ranch, in our day-to-day, mundane little life here, we plod along having to deal with …
TOMAS: … the work at hand.
Thoroah: It’s a process, isn’t it?
TOMAS: It certainly is.
Linda: A work in process.
TOMAS: A huge process. And that is why I ask about your results. If you are aware of the results of your efforts, you will be more confident of your ability to input those causes which will eventuate in the effects which will reveal the divine way, which will represent the Master’s methods that he chose for your world before it was taken from him. He will be setting it aright through you and through your conscious acknowledgement of your ability to orchestrate the symphony from your podium.
Linda (Chuckling): So to speak.
TOMAS: This is a natural dimensional uplift from being merely one instrument in the symphony. Now you are conducting a symphony that needs to find harmony with the other music-makers in your midst.
Linda: Um-hum.
TOMAS: Look for the Truth. Stand by the Truth. Represent the Truth. Encourage the Truth. Including its reflections of Beauty and Goodness -- in the spiritual sense, not merely the mindal/emotional sense. This will help take it to the next level.
Linda: I feel like I do reach out to people, to be nice to people, to help people, to – you know – do my work or extra bit of kindness or … I guess that’s all you can do from day-to-day or moment-to-moment, as it says the opportunity or occasion arises. They say we’re a world of great opportunity --
Linda: -- for service, there, in that way.
TOMAS: Yes, you minister as you pass by.
Linda: Um-hum.
TOMAS: And you have that ministering spirit of the Mother, which is so recognizable and so appreciated by the human race, which longs for Her gentle touch and yearns for her warm embrace.
Linda: Um-hum. We hear a lot about the Father, maybe not enough about the Mother, huh?
TOMAS: The Mother has suffered from [mortal] thinking; however, there are improvements being made as she begins expressing herself through the new age monologues.
Linda: She is, after all, creator of and in charge of the angels, which do so much for us and constantly hovering around.
TOMAS: Yes, Her children, Her ministering spirits throughout the universe are under Her wing and jurisdiction.
Thoroah: When you talked about ‘knowing the truth’, Tomas, I reflected on a conversation Gerdean and I had, I believe [it was], earlier this week about how the Truth gets lost in details. That there are some general truths that this world needs to understand, and right now those general truths are all lost in the details. And expressing ourselves, other than in just passing by and being nice and all of those expectations, the thinking that Jesus had and the way he turned a situation into more than what it was rather than detracting from what it was with ‘the Truth’, he parable-ized everything, so that the detail was all smoothed over in a concept and I’m thinking that’s what we need to learn to do, is to take these very formatted and patterned beliefs and parable-ize them so that it opens it up more in the mind of the person that we’re talking to, a lot like humor can make somebody think newly about a situation.
TOMAS: You are talking about changing the way you think.
Thoroah: Yes.
TOMAS: And this truly is the method of changing cause and effect, for rather than the mind thinking methods, the Truth transcends methods to being what is. The difficulty then is to bridge the gap between that which is, in the sense of the Truth, to that which is perceived by and through the mind and through fact.
It is a major cosmic leap! Sometimes it can be made through a flash of revelation, but more often it is necessary that the masses be spoon fed, cajoled and parlayed into some kind of submission ~ rather than outright enthusiasm for that which is new.
Linda: (Guffaw/Chortle)
TOMAS: This is the creative part that you would enjoy doing together if you knew how to build a new paradigm of reality. As it is, your mind stumbles with nowhere to go and instead, focuses on the myriad details and facts of what is apparent, what is literal. While it does occupy your mind, it leads nowhere. Rather, when you wear yourself out, running around that treadmill like a rodent, you begin to surrender to the plan that is in existence and has been in existence for eternity already ~ and which you merely need to tap into as a being responsive to the divine will ~ as a far greater representation of what is Truth, beauty and goodness than any philosophy or theology or organization or movement than has so far existed.
It is in this way that the reality of God will keep advancing, even though you know it can only advance so far before it must bring everyone along with it, or die trying.
Thoroah: Thank you so much for your time today, Tomas.
Linda: And Gerdean.
TOMAS: We have all treasured our experience here today with you. We have all input our Selves into your psyche ~ through the avenue of your heart ~ into the consciousness of your being ~ for the Father to affect your desire to do His will ~ in such a way as it becomes a part of you ~ as his noble sons and daughters ~ alive and abroad on planet Urantia ~ and the worlds in association ~ with their place in the universe.
Peace be upon you. Farewell.
Linda: May we all have a very happy new year coming up, then, peace be with us all. Thank you for coming.