Topic: Infinity
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Sunday Rain
Unknown Teachers: "Since we have started to bring you inward closer to the time frame of the nearing of the apocalyptic reckoning, we have come now to take you closer still. All time is irrelevant within the hospitable care of the great Father of Love, however needs be determined by the living guide of your conscious mind heart. Come and let us be together in this. Let us unfold the truths within giving guidance to ourselves, and lending virtues to our fellow man and woman kind. Let us get back to the very most basic human necessities, giving credence to what was once the way of life.
"Take back your heart. Let in the breath of life. Open your eyes and choose to see! Gain strength. Gain energy. Gain understanding. Claim inwardly to yourselves, "I will be a part of my world and my life."
"Come now and hear your calling. Smile greatly with the warmth of your wisdom and be rest assured that this is the time and the place for making great changes along the way.
"Love is your teacher. Love is your guide."
Receiver: Then this was added on.
I Am: "I Am the Way. When you stop and ponder the universe, ponder my majestic skies—how they travel the infinite highways of all space and time. There is infinite freedom, and infinite observable complexities of infinite beauty expanding infinitely. Bring your heart to the center and know my love, infinitely.
"Rest now and refresh yourself for the beautiful coming of a new sweet morning, and have a field day, bringing into the night the long lost song of an evening prayer of thanks."