2006-01-14-We Recognize the Signs of Spring
Topic: We Recognize the Signs of Spring
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: Elaine
Bzutu: “My dear little friend, as the tears of emotion form in your eyes, I touch your heart with much love and affection. I will continue to work with you and George for the rest of your human lives. You have now become part of this progress team, and we all welcome you as an addition to the mortal contingent of the team. There is much to do, the work is endless, but it is not without its considerable rewards.
“We, the United Midwayers are ancient by human standards, and well aware of the fact that spiritual and social changes in the vastly different Urantia populations occur only very slowly. Therefore, we were created to be ever-so-patient by nature, although we now recognize the early signs of ‘spring’ on this world with joy and anticipation.
“A new season of spiritual growth is dawning. We have made it through the bitter winter of ignorance and fear, and the world is becoming brighter each day as new minds and hearts become open to the love that emanates from the Creator of All.
“Relax in the peaceful knowledge that you are very much loved by the One who has no beginning and no end. Remember this truth when the small problems of the day grow large in your mind, and begin to take on a life of their own.
“You are his precious child! Take a moment to appreciate what this means, and meditate on this until the meaning is scribed upon your heart, for then you will realize that your future is secure—a reason for fear no longer.”