2006-01-16-Faith Is Reason To Carry On
Topic: Faith Is Reason to Carry On
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I can truly appreciate the faith each one of you have. You make effort to show up for the unknown. That is faith. Without faith, what holds meaning for you? Faith, to me, is everything and always a reason to carry on. There are many things that occur in mortal life that would drag down your faith levels. It is important that every day we do what we can to remain strong.
I am MARY. I am happy to be among you, my friends. It is in your participation that our Mission continues to move forward. I enjoy the topic of faith, for it has been a strong foundation for which I could build upon.
As a mortal, my personal experience had me believing that I could not trust my ability to make decisions or even live up to my highest light. I had learned early on that my status as a human being was not worth much. As time moved forward for me and I was able to receive training as a worker in the Kingdom, I realized that my faith level was the measure I would receive in meanings and values. If I could believe without seeing, and live my life as such, then was I able to attain the fruits of the spirit and understand the meaning of mortal experience.
Without faith I could not find any reason to progress. I could not find any reason to carry on. I found much of life’s meaning was in my service to others. I found real joy from fellowship and being of assistance to anyone. The more I was into spirit, the less I was into self. This definitely was a great source of joy and an expanded relationship with the Father. Service was indeed an exercise in faith. I also learned that to retain a strong faith I needed to have an open and honest dialogue with Father. My prayer life had to become a priority.
I don’t mean set prayers at a certain time of day, but a constant observance for Father’s will and a questioning heart and mind. I did not realize then that my adversities were an exercise in strengthening faith and personal character. I learned from the Master that every time we were faced with adversity would be some our closest moments with Father. We could become soured by certain experiences or we could become empowered. It’s really all an exercise in faith.
As you move forward in the experience of faith, it is not so much an effort, but simply a natural part of life. It will happen without so much thinking. You each are doing well and always trying to put forth your best efforts in all things. Be not discouraged. When it turns out that your best intentions were not really necessary, let us be open and observant of our Father’s will.
I am ABRAHAM. Thank you, Mary, our sister and friend. Your input is greatly valued. This week ponder what it takes to help your faith to remain strong and intact. What circumstances in daily living would chance to weaken your faith? What activities can you be proactive on to keep faith alive? That is all this evening. Know that we appreciate all your efforts in keeping our family strong. We send our love with you. Until next time, shalom.