2006-01-21-Why Spiritual Growth Implies Difficulties
Topic: Why Spiritual Growth Implies Difficulties
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Algimantas
[Algimantas: The Baltic States, January 2, 2006: Today we had a Saturday morning mass in our temple of God the Father and His Son Jesus. It was a cold morning some minus 22 degrees C and there were fewer of us present. Thus I was asking my Thought Adjuster why is it so difficult for us to t make some steps towards the Father even though we do not have to work physically hard, why this growth always implies difficulties and resistance?]
My beloved son, the difficulty or easiness of one’s step depends upon the person’s living bond to My spirit, Thought Adjuster, indwelling that person. I am permanently saying to each of you as well as thru all my Michaels, so that they might also voice this statement – With Me EVERYTHING is possible. It is not a vague or blank statement just for the sake of statement. It is my LAW – I HAVE CREATED ALL THE LAWS IN MY CREATION AND THOSE WHO ABIDE BY MY WILL OUT OF LOVE FOR ME ACHIEVE THOSE HIGHTS THAT SEEM TO BE MIRACULOUS TO OTHER CREATURES, NOT ONLY HUMANS OR MANSIONIANS OR MORONTIANS, BUT EVEN TO SPIRITS OF LOWER ODERS WITH SHORTER RECORD OF EXPERIENCE.
You must keep in mind that I do not make wonders it is you who are calling me a wonder-maker. I am telling each of you that with Me everything is possible. This means that what you might call a miraculous act or event it occurs without being a miracle at all. You call these episodes miraculous only because of your poor trust in My words.
You must exercise more TRUST IN ME. THEN you shall discover that all these so-called miracles are nothing but your acts together with Me in reality. I am Creator and invite you to share your own part in co-creating with Me.
How could a true creator of some masterpiece be it music, writing, or vision tell anyone that he or she has created a miracle. He or she would modestly admit that he or she did knot know how all this happened maybe it was inspiration that skyrocketed his performance, or maybe that was done together with Me. But, definitely, he or she would not be talking about miracles because he or she is well aware of that difficult process that has proceeded the final result presented to public at large.
That is why those of you who were worshipping Me early in morning in such a burning cold were showing more desire to commune with Me that was aroused by My love passed over to each of you by My fragments indwelling your minds. Thus the relationship, even unconsciously, gives an impulse to your opened soul to follow Me in all the circumstances. And the more you are in a close relationship with Me the less frightening seems this same obstacle to your mind. And those who prefer spending an additional hour in bed in a warm and cute environment for their material life vehicles lose a real test for their own character and by this self-deceiving comfort they are robing them of their own growth.
That is why I have designed my evolutionary plan for the creature development to grow all of them in their personal experience. And it is only one’s personal will that decides as to a personal growth of each of you.
That is why never get discouraged by few numbers attending My worshipping since you cannot grow for others but yourself. And thinking about negative aspects of any episode you contaminate your soul which must get purer and purer to be perfected even up the level of finite-Paradise indweller. How can you purify your sole by looking around at those who do not come to worship Me rather than expressing the jubilation for those who do come.
My question: Our beloved and worshipped Father, you say that everything is possible together with you. But what you mean by everything since we are at the very bottom of the creation and that everything for us is not much?
My beloved son, by saying everything is possible together with Me, I mean that everything on that plane of you living is possible in reality and not in fiction. If you could only know how little your human capacity is being employed you would get frustrated at that small amount of your potential turned into your actual. My Michael, whom you know as Jesus of Nazareth, has come to demonstrate the model and the way a mortal might reach even though his bestowal was for all the universe but those reaching out for me sincerely and establishing a living bond with me thru my fragment indwelling each of you are also capable of turning their dormant potentials into their actuals. What Jesus was doing on Urantia you shall be doing as well if you show more trust in me.
Question: Father, I am sorry to have interrupted you, but how must we build up our trust in you to match that of Jesus? For some, it might seem that he or she has enough of trust in you…
My dear son, trust is a living relationship with Me. If you LIVE ME every single moment and BREATHE ME every single moment, if your desires have no other plans but those of Mine to pour My love, when you experience it that you cannot tell a most minute difference between Me and yourself in spirit, when you look upon My creation as the one belonging to Me and yourself and thus you cannot behave otherwise but My way, if you allow Me to put it this way, then your trust has a solid ground and you stand on Me, in Me, with Me, and you experience Me within yourself. But your trust in Me is not a stagnant aspect of you character it must be increasing all the time.
If you have some hard moments your trust in Me must add self-confidence and not vice versa. If you experience a betrayal this pain must not kill you but lead you further closer to Me with a more stalwart bond with Me. Your trust cannot become incarcerated in one moment but must develop all the time.
If I had no trust in My present creatures I cannot make any future to all the creation. It is My absolute trust in My co-creators that allows me to project an infinite creation.
Since you are on the very first step of my evolution you were given an inspirational model of Jesus to make your building up of your trust in Me easier. That is why follow Me by following Jesus and you shall be able to do what Jesus was doing while in the flesh on Urantia.
And your faith in Me helps you move forward to the heights where your trust in Me begins to show signs in the deeds that match those of Jesus. Thus, everything is possible with Me, for the mortal means that fusion with Me is possible even on this planet to each of you who desire to follow Me even as Jesus followed me. And this is the top peak for a mortal on any inhabited planet.
Question: Our beloved Father, now we are talking of the arrival of the Magisterial Son and some even talk about the second advent of our Michael? How could we relate these two events, grand events not only to Urantia but also to the universe?
My beloved son, as you well know I bestowed a free will to those creatures that must have some authority over others. And My plan implies that one’s free will must be exercised only with My love as an impetus of and for every decision. Thus, the promise of My Michael to return to your planet, when in power and glory and when mortals shall see with spiritual eyes, has been made out of My love passed thru Michael’s heart to all the creation. And possessing a free will, within My bigger plan, he has his own plan of upbringing his universe. And it is his decision to come back again to the planet of his mortal bestowal so that a highly developed vision of humans might see him and commune with him on Urantia. But this important event in all the history must be proceeded by a long preparatory work that shall be shouldered by the Magisterial Son’s mission. And his appearance in the flesh is adjusted not to a definite or specific term but to the developments on the planet. You have this mission in your hands as My and My Michael’s co-creators of Nebadon’s spiritual future. How many of you would recognize him once he appears as one of you and among you? How many of you shall be showing trust in him as they are showing trust in Me Whom they consider being far away, or somewhere too close, within each of you, which also makes it impossible of seeing Me. And once you encounter the Magisterial Son in the flesh, and personally, when you have to give a direct answer and acknowledgment of recognizing him and being ready to serve him under all possible conditions how many of you shall do it, if it happens today? Ask this question sincerely and place yourself in real life situations of the world of this age and generation? Are you ready to receive him in reality? How many of you express your unfathomable love to this newcomer in the flesh? This shall be a test to humanity? And even today, since you were given this signal, some of you are in doubt of this event? Do you think that arena is ready for his operation now? Your personal focus must be directed not to the time of the Magisterial Mission but rather on opening your heart to Me so that it must always be directed My way. And once you merge with Me, in the spirit, more and more, there would be more and more future workers on the mission with the Magisterial Son throughout the planet. By being in communion with Me, as much as possible, you bring the time of the Magisterial Mission closer to turning it from potential into actual.