2006-01-22-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloveds, your Mother of Light greets you. More and more are my children awakening to the call of my voice. The energy of the Mother’s heart is touching all who live on this world and are urging you into relationship with me. Look to the new ways of conducting your earthly affairs to see my hand at work and play. Look to the men and women who are softening their hard edges to see my gentility and grace spreading over this world. Many more will awaken and hear my call. I am your Universe Mother, and I desire a deep and passionate relationship with you.

Each time you treat one another with kindness, you humanize Me. Each time you forgive an injustice, you bring more of Me onto this world. Each time you think and act creatively that benefits the greater whole, you fulfill Me. Yes, you children are the ones who bring Me to life and spread my love over the globe. I act within you, and you activate me by your desire to know me and carry the ways of Spirit into your reality.

Think of me more during your day and we will bring the ways of love, truth and goodness into the world. You are the carriers of my love, and I will help you complete your tasks with beauty and ease when you come to me during your day. Let the action of Spirit create the magic you seek in life, and you will be given enhanced skills and tools to master the craft of weaving the spell of goodness and light wherever you walk.

I am your Mother and I bring all good things to you. Together we will create beauty and splendor on this world. Together we will build heaven on earth, and all the earth will rejoice and sing the praises of the Creator. Together we will be as ONE.