2006-02-08-Rather Than Travel Alone
Topic: Rather Than Travel Alone
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “My child, it is in your learning to trust Me more, that you will experience true freedom, because your burdens will be lifted. You will let go of all your yesterdays, as you will let Me be the Guide in your life.
“Of course, you will always make your personal decisions, but now you have the choice of doing this more knowingly, by asking Me first which might be the best choice to make. Of course, the best decision will always represent the greatest good for all.
“For a better understanding, I shall always remain in the background, until you mature to the point where you will begin to realize that you would prefer to walk with Me, rather than travel alone.
“However, I need to warn you that we do not walk a path of ease. It will be a path filled with opportunities to learn a great deal, where you will gather much wisdom, and My beloved, where you will always have access to My unconditional love when you feel that you have none left to give.
“I truly desire to saturate you with My love, so it can become a habit for you to give, and give love unreservedly. In time, your judgment of others will cease to form in your mind when you accept each brother and sister you meet as a part of the great Creator God and therefore a part of yourself.
“In time to come, you shall more and more often acknowledge My presence, and your soul will feel nourished, your heart will be filled full with love, and your mind will be satisfied with its growing understanding.”