2006-02-14-Pros & Cons Of Sports Today
Topic: Pros & Cons of Sports Today
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Algimantas
My dear brethren, Professional sport is becoming more and more involving young people. To what level is it positive and negative? These are the issues dealt in the current teaching given to me today.
Peace be upon you.
With brotherly love,
Algimantas ]
My beloved Father, currently, the Olympic Winter Games are underway in Italy. Men and women compete for top trophies, but how much this activity of the professional sport is necessary to man?
My beloved son, when you ask this question about a professional sport you add one word to sport, "professional" and by it you separate it from sport as such.
Thus, sport must not be divided into any other sports but must remain all-embracing.
However, I do realize that your question applies to the business of sport and in sport. No sport is meant to do any harm to any body, even to the most feeble one.
Look around, do you see feeble bodies competing at the current Olympic Winter Games? Can any one compete in these Olympic Sport Games? Of course not. And this has nothing to do with sport but with money and "glory" what is usually characteristic of undeveloped economic societies of different inhabited planets where every one competes for oneself at the cost of the rest, and the rest of the society do agree with this cost for they do not propose anything better than the system in existence.
That is why a professional sport, as you put your question, is not a sport any more but a jumbo money machine for both athletes and all those around them at the expense of the health of these same athletes. The money, you keep saying, does not smell, and the victory must be reached by all the means possible. And that breaks my fundamental law throughout the creation – share love with all and each.
You cannot share your love if you hide different methods of training, if you use more money to train yourself than the others, if you apply stimulants to be even stronger than you are, if you even forget you homeland and train somewhere far away from it just because you can afford it, if you receive your unearned glory and shine with joy while the conquered ones are even abused, if you tend not to notice all these realities, if you take money for your undeserved achievements and if there are many other "if." Your supposed sporting career is not a sporting career at all but your business that must also be called by this name.
And sport is meant originally by Me to provide you with a healthy living environment and a wonderful opportunity for My Love sharing while getting together not for the record breaking and top places but for experiencing Me with each of you competing and realizing that I am present with each of you and manifest Myself in each action that is meant to stimulate others and support others rather than conquer others, suppress others, and deny others.
In these actions you are acting on your own against My will to love and share. And you are even praying that I would assist you by denying others whom I equally love. How dare you elevate your own selves above Me so that you would be that unwise as to pray to Me for breaking My fundamental law of Love for ALL.
This only shows how much you desire to turn away from Me rather than stepping away from this activity that has nothing to do with sport activity useful to your physique.
I am all-uniting and not separating. Just imagine for a while the difference in the feelings of those taking top places and the bottom ones. Do you imagine that the ones losing the events experience joy and peace? Their nerve system is being worn out. And not only during the competition but even during the training sessions because their bodies must undergo a permanent physical stress because of so intensive training sessions and the chemicals used to suppress a normal resisting reactions of the body to such physical stresses. But the central nerve system is even under a bigger stress for the athlete is training following a certain method and program to achieve the top shape right at the Olympic Game Period and any possible injury, any illness, any miscalculation might lead to a nervous catastrophe in the central nervous system even though the athlete might be, quite often, unaware of.
You well remember how Jesus enjoyed watching the sport games in Skytopolis together with his father and how much he desired to introduce similar games back in Nazareth to improve the young people physical condition and cooperation. Jesus did not mean to introduce these games for the sake of winning first places and denying others, but for improving their physical and mental freshness in both their bodies and minds. This type of mass cooperation unites people and brings them closer while the striving for the results only breaks off any common ties and affects athletes’ mentality.
Sport is an activity to have My temple in the flesh healthy and sound. And you do not need to crack records and be paid for them to be happy and healthy. You must be with Me and discover Me within to be able to experience this happiness. And only in this inner peace of mind once you discover Me within your own self you begin to realize how much harm is done by such professional activity to the athlete. And even worse is the thing that younger athletes, even children, are being entangled into this net of dirty business.
That is why only feeling My leading from within one can tear off these knots that might keep one in this slavery of glory and illusionary health and liberate oneself from this swamp.
My beloved Father, it is impossible to change that massive sport-business overnight, thus what is a way out of this situation since many more young people do desire to step on this track?
My beloved child, you are right, nothing is changing in my creation overnight. Even my child’s birth of the spirit, however it might me instantaneous, must precede a long process of that child’s personal growing. Thus, once each child directs his view into inner self and discovers My fragment, discovers Me within himself shall he change his thinking and all of a sudden he shall attribute new meanings and values to the old things. And only thru this personal awakening there is a way out of this deplorable situation.
To help others you need to establish and maintain a firm relationship with Me within each of you.
Having discovered Me within your own selves you shall change your thinking and behavior too and you shall discover that what has interested you in the professional sport before started fading away, and you shall gradually begin to notice that My love is missing in the hearts of those who so adamantly seek victories in denying others. Thus you shall stop attending these sport events any more. That shall be your own personal contribution to changing sport from the business activity into the one of a real manifestation of My Love thru showing your body’s ability and subsequent association among the athletes and spectators.
But be not misled by My words. Even this type of the gladiator games can develop a fair character and behavior of some of the athletes if their motives become purer and purer so that from time to time there do occur such episodes when some athletes sacrifice their higher standings to come to rescue of another athlete in trouble. But these episodes are very rare because the very manner of competition does not develop association and love but rather individualism and human ego. To stimulate this you have even established special prizes called "The Prize of a Fair Play." This is the prize for one’s compassionate character rather than for one’s sport achievement.
And you well know that compassion cannot originate in one’s hard as a stone and dead heart. It must be close to its spiritual awakening to my in-depth leading from within to be able to respond to this leading even in the athletic competition.
As everything in My creation is interrelated so is the current sport competition is related with the level of the spiritual development of the humankind. The more opened your hearts to Me within each of you, the higher is the level of spiritual development of humanity the more cooperative and associative spirit is present at the games or any competition.
And you are the pioneers to embark on this very path to convert selfish and ego-centric sport-business games into a living demonstration of man’s physique with the motive not to win but associate with all and among all in My Love and for a better preparation to serve Me and the creation including the sport that elevates one’s soul.