2006-02-15-Gain a Greater Understanding
Topic: Gain a Greater Understanding
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “I am your Master Hand to guide you with the cultivation of your mind, to weed out any negative thoughts and judgments about self and others.
A greater consciousness is needed to awaken you; for you to become aware of your reactions to words and actions of self and others, and for you to become more thoughtful in your speech, since the tongue is often the unruliest member to be kept under control.
I desire for you to pay attention to this, as the cultivation of self is the most important task to be undertaken in life, as is the digging up and uprooting of negativity, and the planting of good thoughts, which is your responsibility.
I shall guide you, for I am the Master Hand.
Together we shall plant a fragrant, pleasant and fruitful garden. Tend to your personal garden. Only when you have your weeds under control, will you be given additional work.
You are only a tender little one, and I will never overload you, but will give you strong winds and storms, so your root system in Me will grow stronger and deeper, as you seek My nourishment so deep down within in yourself.
Together we are growing a unique garden, filled with fragrant blooms and fruits of the spirit to the Glory of the One.
I tell you all this, so you may gain a greater understanding about the work you and I have undertaken.”