2006-02-18-I Am the Silent Witness
Topic: I Am the Silent Witness
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “My little one, to find your true freedom from disquiet and the solutions to your problems, do more often turn to the Silence, for here you will learn that most difficulties are created through wrong choices and hasty decision-making.
A most valuable lesson to learn is to listen to inner guidance, inner “gut feelings.” In this fashion you will get to know yourself better, and you will know where you have erred.
Be truly honest with yourself and others, and do not entertain any so-called hidden agendas. Remember in all manner of situations, that I, the silent Witness, am here. Once you realize that I am here, why not come to Me first?
Will you save yourself untold pain and suffering?
Living with Me will make life so simple that true happiness will result. Walk with Me and talk with Me, especially when things bother you. I am your private Counselor. Nevertheless, My beloved, there is a great need on your part to further your inner listening skills. Go always deeper, so there will be no misunderstanding on your part when you hear My Voice.
Give your will to Me and gain a deeper insight into the glory of God, for then truly, shall your body be filled with Light!”