2006-02-19-Pioneering Days
Topic: Pioneering Days
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson, Jessona, Machiventa, Elyon
TR: Mark Rogers, Elyon
Monjoronson (Mark TR): Greetings. I will take this opportunity to come amongst you once again. I am Monjoronson and I will accept that which you provide here in this hour, this gift of your devotion, of this format in providing this opportunity wherein we may commingle our energies. I respect the fact that each of you is operating with your faith fully in place in order to not only bring yourselves to this forum but to then take away from this forum all that is presented to you as the grace that is present when individuals such as yourselves reach out and extend in faith.
I would seize on the thought notion presented that you are in fact operating in faith without a firm understanding of exactly what to expect from your interactions here and your subsequent actions upon leaving this format. You join this arena with me in faith that it is a proper function for you, appropriate to your spiritual growth, and even fostering of your desire for service. But in fact you know not what to expect when you extend yourselves thusly.
I make this point so as to reference that part of you which yearns to proceed forward regardless of the fact that the rest of you may have uncertainty. That part of you that is strong and bold and unafraid of what lies ahead is in fact your guiding compass. It is your desire coupled with the desire of your indwelling Fragment. This overall desire prompts you and leads you to extend yourself beyond what your mind may know and your experience may have demonstrated. Yet to those who have this strong conviction of faith they proceed into this fog of uncertainty with the conviction that their compasses are always accurate and their direction may therefore be maintained. There are times when the fog dissipates and there are more familiar landmarks to navigate by, ones that have been a part of your experience, and there are times when the way is far less certain, and you are required to rely on your internal compass bearing of faith. In fact each of you has come to embrace that when you are walking with God you are always on the right path.
There may be uncertainty, there may be doubts, there may even be fear, but you have the firm conviction that you are on the right trail. Your sense of conviction is what those around you in this life crave. They desire that which you have, your profound faith in the outworking of all that surrounds you as being appropriate to your journey. If one stops to look too long at the details along the way, it is easy to become distracted with their significance and importance and lose sight of the path.
Therefore does it fall to those who maintain that clarity of vision about where they are going even though they embrace that they are unfamiliar with the route on how to get there. This speaks to all of you who maintain through your faith this conviction that you are on the right path and, having such assurance from within, you then may function as trail guides to those who are uncertain as to their next step to be taken.
Always be prepared to provide the long-term view of that which you perceive, and those around you who remain in uncertainty will seek you out and find that which you have attained in your faith conviction. It will become your opportunity and your pleasure to express that which you have developed and foster this development in others so that they too will share your conviction of the big picture and the overall destination. They may then choose an alternative route, but their conviction of a certain destination will be their guiding force as well. It is not desired or required that each take the same path, rather that each see the same destination as part of their journey.
Those are my words for today. I remain in attendance and allow for others, of which there are a great number in observation. Thank you each for your devotion of time to this forum and project. Farewell.
Jessona (Jonathan): This is Jessona, I greet you today. I am happy to be in attendance and to receive your warmth and your attention. It is very rewarding to be recognized by our human associates, for we master seraphim have undertaken our responsibilities for centuries with little recognition from our human partners.
The efforts undertaken on your world today by the Magisterial staff and the corps of assigned Melchizedeks are made possible because of the united acceptance and confirmation of every divine spirit that indwells each of you who are conscious of this undertaking. Your pledge of assistance coupled with the allowance of the divine spirit grants opportunity for all who are part of this planet's administration to move forward in full awareness of divine blessing and full knowledge that we have the support of our human comrades. These are the days of pioneering.
You are heading into the uncharted territories of a new era, and you will benefit from Monjoronson's advice, for where there is no trail to discern, you will be setting that trail, and your faith has come to know that with you in your company are many beings of great stature and high skills and of divine origin who will illuminate for you the way.
I have spoken in the past that our own order of master seraphim have undergone reorganization in preparation for this new phase of Urantia development. We are now more than ever able to grant you awareness of our endeavors. Much of our undertaking in the past has been through your subconscious and superconscious mind levels, for it is important that the framework for your conscious function be well established in these other arenas of your mind such that you will enjoy stability as you awaken to the significance of your contribution and participation. You are aware that when Michael dwelled upon your world he did not choose those who would assist him from the highly trained, widely acknowledged and revered people of his time.
He chose ordinary simple folk. So you likewise may rest assured that your credentials need not be of the worldly sort. Your accreditation is the divine spirit resident within and your expressed willingness to be involved. It is noted by myself and others in my order, and you can rest assured, that you are encircuited with like-minded fellows who are likewise skilled as you are. You will be acting in faith without the certainty as to exactly how these events will unfold, but you know with a certainty that this planet is the host of many companies of ministering spirits who are dedicated to fostering Urantia's well-being, Michael's beloved sphere. I pledge and we pledge to be with you and to assist you as you have so expressed to us. I will allow time for you to ask questions, to express observations, and you may also ask of other teachers, for you have among you TRs willing to receive at a moment's notice such contact.
Celestial Contact
Tom: You mentioned the old era focused on superconscious and subconscious activity. In the new era will there be more overt contact other than the transmitter/receiver process we're in now?
Jessona: Yes, as time unfolds, for at present you are only entering into the early stages. There will be some period of time required to test the reactions of those human beings who have expressed a desire to be so contacted, for, while our goal is to advance the planet, our overriding caution is never to risk the welfare and well-being of any soul, for your ultimate purpose is Paradise and the embrace of Father. Long since will you have left this world and Urantia will have journeyed on its course as you will have journeyed on on yours. With that primary perspective we cautiously begin to make such contact. Remember your world would have had such engagements for centuries under normal circumstances. So, it will begin subtly and increase in sensibility. Again, as I receive word from Elyon, I am reminded to remind you that stillness is a valuable preparation for such engagements. I hope this addresses your question.
Tom: Yes, thank you.
Thought Adjusters, Guidance
Jonathan: I recall mention of the acceptance of Thought Adjusters. There is, if I remember correctly, a leading Thought Adjuster on the world, the Personalized Adjuster of Michael and Machiventa who coordinates Adjuster activities. Am I right? I think of them acting independently. Is this an indication of a group effort of Thought Adjusters?
Machiventa (Mark): This is Machiventa. I am on deck and present and would field your question as well as make a few statements which may provide you with some footing. You are correct in your understanding that there are two aspects to this divine fragment which you are all coming to know. The reality of both conditions remains true, that each of you has what is a unique and personal fragment that you are attempting to form a union with. As well, as is common in universe affairs, nothing is done without some union downstream and therein is where this connection of Adjusters may enjoy communion through the avenue of the Personalized Adjuster of Michael.
This has been mostly identified and associated through your mortal terminology as perhaps the collective consciousness or the overall soul. While it is impossible of description to the mortal mind, thought patterns such as these provide you with how such an infinite process can also be funneled, directed, and channeled through a common individual. This takes nothing away from each of your individual experiences and growth processes having to do with finding and coming to union with your own Adjuster but rather as to the experience of the individuals also working together towards the whole. This is an important aspect when we discuss the relationship each of you has to this process. If you are hearing these words, reading these words, or otherwise in contact with this communication, then this is referring to you.
You as an individual are a necessary, even vital, component of that which is happening to us and through us as we proceed in this process. It is significantly helpful if you may come to this process with the open mind of a child that you may be led to discover that of which you are currently unaware, in fact, to create that which is currently nonexistent. Many will consider this and declare themselves unworthy of such a process of co-creation when in fact we have touched by virtue of this question on the fact that you have within you a component of unlimited potential.
Where you may think that you, individually, may not be worthy or capable of such a task, a privilege, in fact, there is a part of you which yearns to be involved in such a privilege as to co-create a higher reality, a more accurate representation of the divine here and now. This is how it is done. Many times lessons are given in terms of paths and obstructions and fog and uncertainty. I tell you plainly and clearly that your role, our role, as we function on this material plane is simply one step at a time to proceed in the direction that our highest self knows and is aware of.
If we simply do that one step at a time then we will create a new reality based upon this divine direction. From where you stand you may not have a vision of exactly how this new divine reality will manifest, but I assure you that there is part of you that does. Trust in yourself. Trust that you are partners with this divine fragment, and that you may harbor doubts and uncertainty but your divine fragment does not. Position yourself to allow your divine fragment the greater latitude to direct you. Be willing to follow the leading of your higher self. Be as children ready to learn what you do not know. Your internal guide will be unerring in its direction, and your material component must learn to follow in the footsteps of your divine component.
This is how this job is completed, and none of us is certain as to exactly how this will manifest. You are creating this reality moment by moment, choice by choice, action by action. If you rely on your internal divine compass no matter what the path that arises, you know you are headed in the right direction. In that sense it is visible to those un-constricted by time and space to witness your successful completion of your journey regardless of the side trips and obstacles that may be encountered along the way. Therefore do we work together in this process. I would ask that each of you reflect repeatedly on your commitment to be involved in such a way, for your repeated affirmations help to orient your soul position in receptivity to your inner guiding light. I would conclude my remarks there and allow for any further questions or observations.
Elyon (Jonathan): This is Elyon, greetings, my friends. What a delight to have such brilliant beings in our classroom today, not only those from what you would call "on high", but even yourselves. It is my pleasure as your group teacher to witness such a beautiful collection of souls and beings. The light is brilliant and the love strong. Take to heart what you have heard and trust what was said, for you are the means whereby we will accomplish the goal and reach our ideals. Thank you for your attention today. I will offer recess to this calls. Farewell.