2006-02-22-Learn From the Master
Topic: Learn From the Master
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Lytske
Thought Adjuster: “My child, the road you travel in your mortal lifetime is only the first step in your eternal life. Therefore, the more you come to Me in the Silence, the more lovingly and securely I can guide you. To begin with, you would discern more clearly what is meant to be living God’s will for you in this existence.
God’s will is actually so very simple. It is the way with the most love in it. You can search your mind and determine where you fall short, and which situations in life present a hurdle for you to overcome – and for you to attain that precious peace of mind, which you so sincerely desire.
When this peace is not present, think of where you went wrong. Perhaps it was a harsh word to someone or negative thoughts and judgments. Yes, My dear one, these all point to situations to be mastered, especially your speaking and acting in haste.
Learn from the Master Jesus, and His teachings while He lived His Life in the flesh on this planet. Consider the difficulties He had to overcome, even at a young age, and how He, in all matters, turned within to His Father in heaven. What a triumphant Life He led, despite all sorts of difficulties and temptations.
You too, can live close to Me, and I shall lead you according to My divine blueprint in doing the will of God in all things.
Open your heart, soul and mind. Come willingly to Me in the Silence where we shall become increasingly as one.”