2006-03-12-Giving Your Unconditional Love
Topic: Giving Your Unconditional Love
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “There is no road so twisted that it will not ultimately lead to the Father. Never let the past hold you back from this glorious end destination.
The voices of this world would tell you otherwise, but the truth remains that all roads ultimately lead to the one central Origin of infinite creation.
Of course, the road becomes much straighter once you practice self-forgiveness of the wrongs done to others, in ignorance or on purpose, although the latter one is more difficult for you to forgive.
Since the Father always forgives everything, He desires for you to do the same, in order for you to learn this great lesson of giving your unconditional love, not only to others, but also to yourself.
Often you do not think of yourself as lovable, or that you are unworthy of His love.
However, dear one, you are God’s human offspring, who is learning this most difficult lesson of self-forgiveness and of self-love. As you forgive others, so does God forgive you, for this goes hand in hand.
If you refuse to forgive someone, likewise, the Creator of all simply waits until you are ready to do so.
This is a point for much pondering, as the need for forgiveness towards self and others in your earthly existence is unending. This leads to unconditional love and love is unending.
In order to become free and to master this, of course you need to realize that the answer lies within – with Me – as I am the Center of your being. So do come and allow Me to teach you.
And lead you into that better way of living.”