2006-03-12-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Children of the light, come to your Father of Lights. I am Michael, and I receive you in the fullness of your humanness. Bare your souls to me and I will show you how precious and beloved you are.
The day is dawning when humanity will know their full worth. Gone will be the days of discarded lives, abandoned hopes, destroyed dreams. I open the portals of LOVE more fully when you are ready to see yourselves as I see you. When you can accept yourself completely JUST AS YOU ARE, then will my love pour into every cell and make you more than you are now.
The completion of SELF is underway with each man, woman, and child of this world receiving the flow of love into their being. Whether here on this world or on the next, my children will come to know and appreciate their full worth. What a joyous day that will be when my children fall into LOVE with their true selves and honor what my Father in Paradise has laid out before them—the ascension path to glory!
I prepare your way, and I will show you how to walk this path in joy and lightheartedness. Come to me, my child, as we walk together to the SOURCE and radiate in the grandeur of ALL that IS.