2006-03-13-To Imbibe of My Essence
Topic: To Imbibe of My Essence
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “The knowing within of son-ship and daughter-ship with God means that the mortal has attained that, which he or she set out to search since birth – that inner connectedness – that inner surety which banishes all doubt and from which all uncertainty flees.
This dear one, I desire for you to attain whilst still in the mortal estate; this being a point in time during which you move from mortality to absolutely assured immortality while yet in the flesh.
This is a distinct possibility for each human child. However, this means for you to be as diligent as you can be in setting time apart each day for coming to Me in the Silence of your heart.
Sit at My feet, as it were to imbibe of My Essence of holiness. It is a fragrance so profound that you will develop an urge to curb your unthinking and unfeeling habits of speech and actions, so you will learn that we can speak as one.
Yes, there lies ahead much learning of the lessons I set before you. These lessons are so designed that they are able to carve a strong character, a solidly rooted character, and yet a yielding one to the lightest touch from Me, your Spirit-self within.
I desire that you become more and more aware of Me in your speech and actions.
You know, dear one, that you are slowly and surely being led to this point in time when you simply cannot live without Me anymore.
The great Creator has decreed this, so He may draw each and every mortal to himself, but only with their fullest cooperation.
Therefore, sit in My presence to get your daily sustenance, for this to carry you through yet another day, filled with opportunities to listen for My Voice in all your daily doings.”