2006-03-15-Bad Spirits
Topic: Bad Spirits
Group: Unknown
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Algimantas
Question: My beloved Father, when we talk about the influence of bad or evil spirits on us we are not certain what we are talking about since The Urantia Book revelation claims that all so-called bad spirits have been arrayed after Jesus’ bestowal on Urantia? Then, what bad influences we speak of on the part of spirits if there are no evil spirits in operation any more?
My beloved son, My creation is made up only of light and permeated by My Love. Thus, where could you see a single slot for the operation of bad, or as you call them, evil sprits? The situation with the planet of Urantia and all the other planets that have joined the traitorous regimes in the local systems whose leaders exercised disloyalty to Me does not in the least prove there have been any bad or evil spirits. They merely did not disclose their own personalities to the full capacity. And this led them to misconceptions of My creation and My operation in it. And of course their actions matched their way of thinking and believing. A free will is above everything in My creation.
And now that My Son Michael whom you know as Jesus of Nazareth has legally terminated the Lucifer rebellion in Satania this only provides a legal status of a liberated system that has re-joined its loyal sisterly family. But the spirits who have been operating in the System or on Urantia have not been stripped off their free will operation. And they are free to act in any way. Even as Lucifer and all those who joined him in the rebellion were free to behave according to their wisdom. Thus, the terminating of the rebellion does not mean that all the spirits, instantaneously and simultaneously, have reached that high level of the concept of My creation and My person. And being different in their personality expression they have different approaches to My evolutionary plan, including the development of man on this planet. What they need to have is their spiritual oneness with Me and the creation family. But how they behave in this family strictly depends upon their spiritual maturity and their desire to play with your ignorance.
Thus you have such episodes which you are unable to explain in your life. And you consider that it is the manifestation of evil spirits. Please, do think much deeper and you shall realize that even in these seemingly bitter experiences to your own selves they do their best to tease you or play with you as you might be playing with your less developed brethren inhabiting the jungle. Even though you do desire not to cause any worry to them but every single step made by you sideways would cause nothing but panic amongst them. This is exactly the situation when you have such a phenomenon that is being called a poltergeist.
Question: But what about such things as receiving information by means of spiritism or virgules? Is it of any value?
My beloved son, these are the phenomena that disclose how much information is deeply set down in your sub-consciousness. And once you relax and concentrate on this activity only, it is then that your sub-consciousness is able to distract a lot of information from its deeply hidden layers and raise it to your consciousness while you attribute this process to your contact either with spirits or the dead. This relationship is absolutely fake. But your sincerity and reception of the information is real.
That is why you must get rid of these bad phenomena as soon as possible since they might suck you in like a bog and you might become totally dependent on the responses you would be receiving either from your sub-consciousness or from the one of others participating in the notorious sessions of spiritism.
I am leading, each of you, to discover Me, through My fragment indwelling your minds, to establish a REAL and LIVING relationship to receive this information in question for this type of relationship gives you impetus to develop your own self and commune with Me for the benefit of ALL. This is a very strong driving power that I have placed in My love that you discover within your own self. And this is the only addiction that soothes you all the time you turn to me. And you receive the information you are ready to take-in.
Question: My beloved Father, but even those, who use the virgule consider they are being told by this either metal or wooden device the information they could never be able to receive it otherwise. Thus they trust it, since each time they need information they turn to it. Then no harm done. Or is it not true?
My beloved son. The fact that information is received does not testify to the source of this information. You well know how little of your brain activity you use in your daily routine. And once you get concentrated on the virgule or on any other similar device be it a saucer, a needle, a swing, and the like your brain begins to operate in a very extremely focused manner and thus you begin to receive that information out of your sub-consciousness. But if you were that focused daily and all the time imagine how much information you would be able to excavate out of the dormant chips of your brain. And not only those who manage to get that deeply focused with the virgule but everybody. And in this case you would liberate yourselves from the ritual and the prejudice that you have been told by this material device or by any energy, or by any spirit, or by any soul that might have reached your mind thru this material device.
I am the Source of spirits, and neither I nor any other spirit needs any other material intermediary object to establish a contact with you apart from your normally functioning mind and your strong and sincere desire to commune with Me or other spirits.
Question: My beloved Father, while communing with you I feel a wonderful satisfaction and pleasure within my own self yet after this communion I feel tired rather then recuperated? Why is it so? I cannot I feel refreshed after having communed with you who is the Source of Peace and Energy?
Yes, my beloved son, you feel exhausted energetically because for you it is an absolutely new sphere and activity. Your soul and mind are not yet accustomed to this type of communion with Me. And this activity requires a very high activity of your brain. And for the brain every new and unaccustomed activity is equal to operating under a stress. And each stress consumes a lot of energy within the brain. The more so that you are doing your best to receive this teaching as precisely as possible and still having some doubts whether it might not be intertwined with your own sub-conscious fluids to dissolve the proper information received from Me.
Every activity, including a spiritual one, consumes energy. And even spirits need to replenish it from the energy circuits. And the more so concerning mortals who do have their material forms and tend to focus their attention to the material forms of manifestation in their lives.
But despite this fact you feel a wonderful bliss within you after every communion with me since this bliss is being experienced by your budding soul, by your real self. And the brain is only a temporary device for your soul to operate in the physical form by the means of your mind.
However, this discomfort shall pass with time as you get more and more accustomed to this spiritual communion while receiving spiritual messages from Me or other spirits. And this shall add to you satisfaction and comfort that would build up your self-confidence and trust in Me and other spirits your might be in touch with. And you shall realize, then, a tremendous difference between the contacts with Me and other spirits and your fake concepts of receiving information from spiritual or energetic sources thru other supplementary material objects.
Thank you, my beloved Father, for clarifying this thing.