2006-03-17-Unconditional Love
Topic: Unconditional Love
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Bzutu: "Comparatively speaking, my dear brother in Christ, neither you nor I have much of a clue about the subject of this lesson. We, humans and Midwayers alike are at the low, low end of the Paradise ascending rungs, and even the time-distance between us and the eons of experience/credits to our personal (midwayer) portfolios still leave us to rub shoulders as it were. Relatively so, we are as close to you as are the folks across the road.
"We can speak to you of the Creator’s Unconditional Love, but we cannot fathom the immensity of that Love, which the Father of All bestows upon each of us. The true immensity of His Love can only be guessed at, imagined perhaps, only to some degree experienced for now, and it must await our future progress for it to become clearer in our minds, fully soul-felt and realized, absorbed, thrived upon, and spread around in its never-depleting supply.
"We all, who clamber upwards from the very dust of this earth, however, have been given the means to, in time, arrive at making it our own to at last fully comprehend that it is Love that makes the world go round, the time-space universes the oldest single curriculum learning institutions of the realm. We are at a loss to fully understand the grandeur of His Love, but we do have the stepping stones laid out upon our terrestrial paths to begin to comprehend.
"We all, diverse personalities, disparate in motivation, have the task of truly getting to understand each other, although not necessarily getting onto the same page. Without such understanding of ‘the other’ there can be no respect for the personality -- no more for that than for his or her goals. Without respect for same can there be no admiration for the other person’s dreams, and without admiration for such dreams of achievement and striving can there be no lasting love.
"To be sure, at all times the Father’s Love is so abundant as to provide for a temporary respite from these Universal Laws that give rise to mere intrigue and infatuation, a need to care and be cared for, a feeling of safety with the other, familiarity, comfort, yes, pity, and more. This hierarchy of understanding, respect, admiration, and love must be sustained and grow, and only your misunderstandings, disrespect, and disapprovals will destroy the love in you.
"Nurture forever your ability to progressively ‘ascend towards’ Unconditional Love in pure veneration reserved for the Master Creator of All. My love goes to all who will imprint this simple lesson upon their hearts.
"This is your humble tutor, ABC-22.