2006-03-19-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My little one, gather yourself into My being. Yours is the tender bud of self that yearns for love, for understanding, for acceptance, and I give this to you as your Divine Mother. Your spiritual body is growing stronger the more time you spend with me consciously, attuned to me in the present moment.
This being of spirit is your soul-self. It is quite delicate and embryonic. This soul-self is being nurtured in the womb of my being, and it is my responsibility as your Mother to allow you to grow in me for as long as necessary. Only then will your true self be ready to present itself to the world, alive and vibrant for everyone to see and delight in.
Spend your time wisely when you focus on being with me. See yourself in the womb of my love. The strands of spirit weave into your being creating a strong fabric. See yourself being wrapped in this cocoon of light. Ask for all of the spiritual qualities you need to be added into you. What do you need? Patience, kindness, forgiveness, understanding, tolerance, forbearance, joy, peace—these waves of love are what I can give to you. Fill yourself with them and grow strong.
The rays of love shine upon you and nurture your development into pure spirit. Each day foster your own growth by allowing my presence to beam these qualities into you. Ask for what you need of Spirit, and know it is being given, although you may not yet consciously perceive it. I am your MOTHER, and you grow in me. Snuggle safely within my womb as you await the day of your spirit birth.