2006-03-20-Riches Of Everyday Living
Topic: Riches of Everyday Living
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am so appreciative of your willingness each week to bestow upon me the reigns to your meeting purpose. I would say this is our meeting and your participation makes it possible. I am deeply touched to see how close you’ve become over the years. Even through growing pains do you remain dedicated to the overall Correcting Time purpose. Well done.
It would seem in mortal life that all effort is for the most part put toward simply staying afloat. It seems that environment has a great deal to do with where your energy goes. For example, one who lives in a large city, surrounded by gray buildings and neon light, might be more inclined to cling to material solutions to difficulties, as opposed to one who has opportunity to spend time with nature and have a quiet time for the mind and soul. Of course, this is all theoretical and subject to change. Those who are encompassed by a busy life can find time to set straight the scales of balanced living.
It would seem that imbalanced living or relying upon material solutions would tend to make one insensitive to the simple realities of life. It seems that in over populated areas there is somewhat of an innocence lost and more of a scrambling to survive. This is the way of evolution. It’s not good or bad. When people know better, they do better. I suppose my lesson this evening is about the riches of everyday living. With your drive to survive or simply do the best that you can, some things of soul value are brushed aside. This is where I refer back to my theory of city living, versus those among a more peaceful environment.
Individuals that have focused mostly on the doing of life, instead of just being, have somewhat of a tough exterior. Strength is good. We can see the many instances where the Master’s strength changed reality. To be strong and confident is indeed an asset in this life. However, we need not be so tough on the outside that we forget the simple riches of everyday living. Let us ponder past experience and those events that have made us strong in spirit versus tough in ego.
What are the riches of everyday living? I have to admit that experience in the flesh make it somewhat difficult to see that there is a basic thread of good woven into the tapestry of all experience. How about acts of kindness? Those are riches that feed the soul. Those are experiences that carry us through the difficult times. How about the play and laughter of children, how open they are to adventure and remind us that life is always wondrous? Again, back to the goodness of nature itself, the wind in your hair or the sun on your skin, the grass under your feet, the repetitive pattern from a leaf on a tree to an insect? What are those things that open the door to the spirit? How will awareness of appreciation for daily riches keep you alive with hope and striving God-ward?
Again, I consider myself an extremely wealthy man for having the friendship that I have here. Know that I always look forward to your smiling faces and light-hearted countenance. My love is always with you. Until next time, shalom.