2006-03-21-Value the Rungs on Heaven's Ladder
Topic: Value the Rungs on Heaven's Ladder
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “The gathering of wisdom is to be enjoyed in the Silence of your heart, where I can shine heaven’s spotlight on all your experiences, and where, since you are now opening up more to My leadings, we will save those events that have eternal values as a lesson well learned, and where we contemplate others to be either repeated or discarded.
It is wonderful that I am finally getting through to you, and can tell you that only your understood experiences are of value as the rungs on heaven’s ladder that you are climbing. There is truly no need to look back at those rungs of the past.
Instead, look ahead with joyful anticipation to what I might have in store for you, and so develop expectancy and a greater zest for living.
You see, dear one, I know what I am doing, for I know what you and I are capable of, but until you completely trust Me and leave the matter of sculpting you entirely in My hands, I cannot yet show you the abundance I have in store for you.
Nonetheless, I applaud you for all your efforts as you are learning to discern My Will for you. I know that this resonates within you.
So, take heart, My dear child. The time is coming closer, steadily closer, when you shall give yourself to Me of your own free will, so that I can go ahead and fashion you according to My divine plan, making you and Me into one, with your total cooperation.”