2006-03-27-Tragedy Puts Our Priorities In Order
Topic: Tragedy Puts Our Priorities in Order
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Thank you for letting me work here this evening. I am touched by your willingness to support one another in the effort of living. I always see your best intentions become a reality here. Your issues in everyday living are always of great interest to me, as well my colleagues. We strive every day to minister to Father’s children and the more we understand, the better we can do. I am grateful we have chosen to drink this collective cup of the Correcting Time. You will see in time your endurance to be personally rewarding, as well as helping to clear the path toward Light and Life.
Usually around this time of year mortals will be thinking about the resurrected Jesus. It would do us well to ponder new life. I am MARY. I am to speak of my experience with the risen Master. Along with thoughts of resurrection at this time, many mull over the pain of death and loss.
At this time of my experience it would seem as if myself and my kinswomen were beside ourselves with sorrow. Most definitely did this tragic, but necessary, occurrence take our minds off ourselves for a time. Unfortunately, tragedy puts our priorities in order. Our sorrow brought us a helpful humility—in that we were becoming driven by what was truly important. Thoughts of personal gain were not to be found. We banded together as brothers and sisters to follow through with the Master’s ideas for the Father’s Kingdom. It was truly amazing how faith brought us new life, new hope.
While in the garden I was quite fearful and yet, bound and determined to find the Master’s body, to carry on with what we thought at that time to be the tradition of the dead. I had not the realization that the person with whom I spoke to was anything more than a man. It did take some mindal reconciliation to even have that thought as a possibility. Once I had realized I was in the presence of the risen Master, I was elated and yet, overcome with a thousand thoughts running through my mind. Mortals are very excitable and indeed it was difficult to calm down to receive instruction.
Most definitely upon realization of Jesus’ presence did I feel new blood running through my veins. I had the energy of a hundred mortals. His face was reflecting a new light and it was not something I had experienced before. I know firsthand that the Master’s Spirit of Truth can do this for all mortals who can keep alive with faith. Closeness to His personality helps you to recognize Him more and more every day. You can be with new energy, new hope, new life.
For this week let us have our own time in the garden with the Master. We will speak of our experiences next week. That is all. From Abraham and myself, we give you our love and bid you farewell/shalom.