2006-04-02-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Dearest child, the world around you sends you a message. Listen to her heartbeat. Listen carefully as the planet brings you her message! She has much to teach you about life.
Honor the earth and its inhabitants. See the world as sacred where all life is part of a divinely planned organism—living, breathing, pulsating with vitality. Bear witness to the beauty here by walking carefully upon it as you go about your day. Remember to see the beauty around you—the twinking stars, the sparking brook, the fragrant rose, the brilliant sun, the majestic trees. Pay close attention to the sounds of nature, for they are in the rhythm of life and their resonance stirs the planet’s soul.
You are a part of this. Honor your part and strive each day to remember who you are and what this planet is: Mother Earth, your planetary home! It is your playground and all of you playmates upon it. Have fun and enjoy yourselves as you respect all that is around you. Honor your Mother!