2006-04-04-Only a Willing Soul Willing to Listen
Topic: Only a Willing Soul Willing to Listen
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “An unfathomable joy and a beginning of your comprehension of the Creator, are springing up and taking deep root in your soul.
Share yourself with others, as you share yourself with Me. Sharing, for the most part is not done with words. It is done in the little daily services, in promises kept, in a peaceful demeanor, coupled with gentleness and goodness and in a multitude of ways and variables that exhibit the fruits of the spirit, which are accompanied with love and joy.
Whenever you start meditating and come to Me in the Silence of your heart, all outer noises, which are still there, lose their importance. Each time, our togetherness takes on a deeper meaning, as you open yourself up to a further comprehension of the incomprehensible, and you ask in great wonder how the Infinite can make Himself known in feelings and words, which are nourishing you beyond compare.
She is anticipating the start of sharing Herself in a greater measure with you, according to your willingness and capacity to receive. This capacity will steadily increase the more you allow yourself to come and listen to My directives.
You have barely begun to comprehend this, and yet your faith allows you to soar before the throne of the eternal Creator God, which neither oration from, nor disputes between learned theologians could teach you.
No symbol or ceremony can teach you either, although they may inspire you.
Only a soul willing to listen, and respond to the call of Spirit will be able to unfold the divine pattern within.
This is the great truth of being and becoming.”