2006-04-04-Such Is Your Eternal Future
Topic: Such Is Your Eternal Future
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “The potentials are inherent in My being – the still Voice you hear. I carry all possibilities for your future development within Me. As a Fragment of God, which indwells all human beings of will and the power to choose life eternal, I am also the personification of God.
It therefore follows that when you pay more attention to My Voice and My leadings, you will slowly be made into the image of God. Ponder this for a moment as to what this will be like.
In time, you will come to realize how much more you long for My presence with a greater conscious awareness, as I am all love, all peace, all healing, completely non-judgmental, and so much more.
When your human self ‘falls by the wayside,’ because of a thoughtless, hasty act or word from self or others, you will realize anew how much valuable time is wasted with nonsense, and you hurry back into the Stillness to gather yourself together.
My beloved, I am a being of great experience, and it is My desire to share My all with you.
At this time, the one attribute you need the most is My assurance that I am patiently waiting to give you My great love and nurturing presence, for you to carry on, on this earth plane beset with uncertainties, in order for you to so live as in the presence of God. To master your mistakes, your disappointments, and to clear all hurdles.
Through trials, errors and experiences in overcoming, you will steadily and surely enter into the joy of getting to know Me better, listen more, and increase your determination to follow My lead into a greater freedom and joy ‘unspeakable.’
Such is our eternal future – one of discovery and joy.”