2006-04-13-The Garden of Your Soul
Topic: The Garden of Your Soul
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “To allow the love of God to flow through you unhindered and unconditionally onto others takes insight and perseverance in coming to Me, your still Voice within, who desires to teach you this.
You are wise to remember that you are not alone in being taught this most important lesson that I would have you to learn. In mastering this lesson, you automatically gain a greater understanding of how other souls struggle to attain the same level, for no one is exempt.
For each level you attain, there will always be new challenges ahead and new victories to be won in order for you to truly develop a stalwart, dependable character, which will gain mastery over self and can subdue the impulses of resentment and hastiness of tongue, as impatience is a spirit poison. Root it out. It is a tenacious weed that grows in the minds of humankind.
Search within yourselves as to where you fall short in exhibiting the divine attributes of truth, beauty and goodness, which most often lie undiscovered and unused in the minds of mortals.
All of you are truly rich and wealthy with an abundance of gifts of the spirit for the wellness and healing of yourselves, each other, and ultimately the planet.
Mortals have been given beautiful gardens in the form of their souls. It is up to each individual as to what shall be planted and cultivated, in this beautiful soul-garden through nurturing and praise to the Master Gardener who knows all the seeds planted in them and also gives each gardener the freedom and responsibility to root out the weeds of fear, anger, envy, jealousy, suspicion and intolerance.
So, it is then that the flowers of truth, beauty and goodness, cultivated through love, forgiveness and understanding, can come to full bloom in a variety of colors and fragrances to the joy and satisfaction of their owners.
Allow Me to help you cultivate the garden of your soul.”