2006-04-16-Grow into Your Divine Blueprint
Topic: Grow into Your Divine Blueprint
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “I thank you for your persistence in coming to Me in the Silence of your heart at the-by-you-appointed time. It is heartening for Me to be able to start counting on you being here.
This is how true and deep friendships are created, which in due time will flower into profound respect and love.
This is natural for Me, as I am the personification of love.
This is a most excellent lesson, as you were taught to believe that it was a sin to love yourself. You were not taught to feel worthy of love, and this automatically led to a low self-esteem.
It also makes it much more difficult to unconditionally love and accept others.
Truly, this is a blight on this planet, as each evolving child of the Creator God is equally loved and respected.
Therefore, this coming time will be of a great awakening, for this blight, too, shall be corrected.
These changes will happen in the innermost self, where the true and sincere character will be built.
By listening to and re-reading these words My beloved, new meanings, insights and understandings will emerge and grow, as everything is painstakingly corrected, and you, very slowly at first, and yet measurably by Me, grow into your divine blueprint by your free-will cooperation.
Know also that there are celestial beings standing by and cheering you on.
They applaud each tiny victory you gain over the old self, as you grow into your true self that equates with the ultimate victory – the culmination of fusion with Me.”