2006-05-05-Learning Curves
Topic: Learning Curves
Group: York TeaM
Teacher: Councils of Unity
TR: Helenita
In the basic premise that your earth is similar to a scientific laboratory where rats are observed as they run through mazes and the results are recorded and evaluated by scientists, you beautiful souls who volunteered to be the ‘rats’ are ever evolving, amp-ing up the process. With that in mind, looking at all the multitude of ways an experiment can play out are what the earth laboratory is all about. What have you learned? More importantly, what have the participating universes learned?
Your earth experiment was designed to look at all the possible angles in a situation, which translates into measuring how long, how wide, how deep something is. And of course, time also became a factor. The term, learning curve, has become your short-hand label. You define it as the time it takes for someone to learn a skill, or process, to some predetermined level of proficiency. In other words, the time it takes you to get up to speed. You have developed very interesting subjects that help you understand various aspects of this learning curve.
Learning Curves evolved from manufacturing processes to the field of analytical psychology and into everyday language referring to how long it takes to fully know all aspects of a task or job. The field of psychology explains that this is determined by your understanding of how you learn something new. This is accomplished individually by looking at the steps you go through until you have attained the appropriate skill level required. Is it primarily a mental process or do you need hands-on training with a combination of visual and audio instructions? Are your emotions involved? You are taught ‘how to learn’ and your education system wrote textbooks and lesson plans on the most productive way to do this.
Methods have changed 360 degrees as can be seen with the way children are now being taught math. They are using number sets, boxes and grids, which has been titled, "Everyday Math"…. all completely foreign to their parents. Children are being taught a different style of learning. Adults, on the other hand, can see an example of their learning style by evaluating the length of time it takes for them to catch onto a new game by how they plug in their previous experiences and innate skills and integrate them with a new set of directions. Mental and physical coordination also reflects how long it takes them to learn this ‘new’ game.
If the skill you are learning pertains to a game, even though it is challenging, it can be fun. But if you look through the eyes of an engineer responsible for manufacturing a product with new equipment that necessitates a more efficient workforce, the fun goes out of the equation. They study and analyze to determine consistencies and percentages they have named the ‘rate of learning’. (Is your life a fun game or work to be analyzed?)
Textbooks explain: The learning curve was adapted from historical observation that individuals who perform repetitive tasks exhibit an improvement in performance as the task is repeated. (Can you apply this to the growth in your spiritual life?) Empirical studies of this phenomenon yield conclusions on which the current theory and practice are based:
1. The time required to perform a task decreases as the task is repeated,
2. The amount of improvement decreases as more units are produced, and
3. The rate of improvement has sufficient consistency to allow its use as a prediction tool.
When a standard is approached, however, the learning curve becomes ‘flat’ and is said to plateau. In other words, you can become so efficient, that little change is noted. But, since the system is geared for quantifying and measuring and calculating, it feeds upon itself because it has to have something to critique. (Again, a reflection of your spiritual life?) They continue to examine the estimating scenario, causes of cost reduction, choice of curve parameters, impact of technology, and the reliability of data underlying the curve, because they have to have something to do! (Can you make a list of the issues that you keep repeating so you can analyze them from different angles?)
The ultimate, then, is to chart the graph of the data collected. (What shape or design would your ups and downs create on your chart?) In reference to a learning curve the textbook says, "When plotted on ordinary graph paper with rectangular coordinates, the line becomes hyperbolic." And an hyperbola is defined as "an infinite curve, and as it stretches out to infinity it begins to look more and more like a pair of straight lines."
Ah ha, you have finally completed the circle… in infinity, there is no curve!
So we translate for you. Through trial and error you experience within relationships and alone; with or without abundance; with or without a balanced, healthy body. You seek to understand all of your motivating scenarios (from both the light and the dark angles/angels) in order to neutralize them. You discover and observe, ever expanding your awareness inward and outward, internal and external and you keep delving deeper and deeper, even when you feel flat and ‘plateau’ out. This was the plan as it was set up for earth. The difficult challenge was to learn about what was known in a way that also revealed what was unknown.
Your discernment expanded so that you moved from the level where you questioned the complexity and intensity by asking how and why something worked both intrinsically and technically, to another frequency where you found the gentleness of the plasmic flow was manifested. With this discovery, you, the earth laboratory ‘rats’ have moved to equal status with the scientists. In fact, you have now become the scientists, no longer affected by the stimulus of the cosmic investigation. The participating universes, us, have learned there are only parallel lines running side by side, returning to the equality last seen before the creation of the Milky Way star system.
As in the Greek myth, you have found your way out of the maze by following the string you were always attached to. Similarly the degree of curvature on your graph becomes so miniscule as to be non-existent. Your learning curve incorporates all you have already experienced, so there is no looping back required, only the flow of each day as it is presented to you. You have entered the world of the cosmic autonomic system. And your dictionary definition of ‘autonomic’ now reflects a description of you…. functionally independent; not under voluntary control; resulting from internal stimuli; spontaneous! Smile and laugh. You are learning a new game!