2006-05-08-Shaken From Unreality to Hear Father
Topic: Shaken From Unreality to Hear Father
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am also enjoying your candid conversation. Your courage to be bold and forthright does indeed make you each much more spiritually accessible, in an earthly manner, that keeps our Mission real. It is beautiful to see old friends, feel comfortable enough to be fearless with one another, yes, to be their true selves.
I know these past few weeks we have been discussing patience and waiting upon the will of Father. This week I would like to touch upon the courage you have known in listening to that still, small voice. We each know what it is like to become settled within a rut of life, whether it is comfortable or not. It is what we know and what we are used to.
It does indeed take an element of disturbance to shake us from the fog of mind to move us from this rut. In the habit of life Father could be giving us clear direction and we are either filled with fear and trapped in our comfort zone, or being simply untrusting of the unknown and in a Father that would perhaps confuse us with His many other children.
There are many individuals in this Mission that have had to be shaken from a personal unreality to become conscious of Father’s words and have the courage to carry them out. Many times what looks to be odd to others is the correct steps to take at a given time. For example, some have chosen to leave a dominating, dogmatic religion in favor of freethinking and reaped repercussions therefrom by their church and family and yet walked away with a larger reward. Some individuals have chosen to follow a path others know not why and believe me, this took courage. This took intelligence and a willingness to be open to the will of God.
We can view the majority of society and they are ruled by popular opinion—self-imprisoned, so to speak. I do not mean to give liberty without license, but most definitely do I mean to give back to individuals a confidence to know that they can trust themselves to follow their inner guidance. Without a doubt, one must always be cautious of who one serves, be it the spirit or ego, of course. I am speaking of individuals who are having the courage to live a life of how they believe the Master has taught them to live.
Most of our own restrictions are self-imposed. Mortals tend to live up to somebody else’s ideals. How blessed would one be if it were the Master’s? Think about how temporary this life is. One can have eighty years on the planet and still complain that they never had opportunity to do this or that. Let us not live under the cloud of self-imposed restrictions, but move into the light of the spirit. Any and all possibilities are open to those that believe.
Mary will be here next week to discuss this topic. That is all. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.