2006-05-14-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Like the twinkling stars in the sky, you, my child, are the twinkle in my eye! This is your Mother in Spirit, and I greet you with my tender devotion to your welfare and growth. Shining brightly within your heart is a radiant soul that longs for expression. Feel your deepest yearnings and allow them to swell within your heart and body.
Believe in this, my child. This is real, and these feelings of desire are all placed within you to trigger your growth into SPIRIT. Long will it be before you are a being of spirit-form, nevertheless, you can respond to the yearnings deep within by claiming them outrightly and wanting them to have expression in your life here and now.
Even though in the past your attempts may have met with disappointment and even failure in your eyes, they were all honest strivings on your part to bring your true self into the world. In this there is never failure. Because you may not have had your heart’s contentment met in your attempts, you may have judged yourself too harshly and succumbed to disappointment or even despair.
I am here to tell you that you have not failed in your attempts to activate your true spirit-born self. Little by little you carve a place for yourself onto the world regardless of what you think you have accomplished or not. Each attempt etches more spiritual form into your being and adds more depth to your self-awareness. Each attempt is successful because it allows one more aspect of yourself to come to light. You spend too much time trying to conform your self-awareness and attempts of expression to a culture that is too fraught with materialism and selfishness. Your self-judgments tend to distort what is really happening in your eyes; you cannot see what it is you are really doing.
Let go of these judgments and see yourself honestly through my eyes. Come to me and I will show you how I view your growth. Here you will come to understand the slow evolutionary process more fully and give yourself more space to grow more naturally in the divine progression. Give yourself some breathing room, and you will see how much more gently and steadfastly you grow into the beautiful child of Spirit that is seeded in your soul!