2006-05-21-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved child, your Father speaks into your heart. Do you fully appreciate that you are my child and entitled to receiving a love so profound that it will change your life forever? Dare to dream, to imagine: soar into the limitless possibilities that this means. When you come to me, you are enlarging your sense of self into the realm of creative play where you potential blossoms to your delight.
I, as your Father in Spirit, endow you with many wonderful and noble qualities that are all highly desirable for human growth and spiritual and intellectual development. As you come to me more and more in the awareness of our loving relationship, I will show you more of the beauteous parts of your being. Identifying with them will trigger new insights and allow more spiritual light to grow within. This light is your soul nourishment, and I promise you that you will be fed indeed as you allow my love to replenish your bring. Your old ideas and habits that have sabotaged your efforts to live righteously will gradually fade to nothing the more you come to me.
The time is growing when all people will know the truth of who they are and how vital they are to the universe. My children will know their worth and cast aside the tattered garments of isolation, fear, abandonment, guilt and shame. My children are growing in power and might, and when the time is indeed ripe, all shall awaken to the truth.
Live in truth, my child, and you shall assist me in helping your slumbering brethren to awaken to their own glorious truth. Help me shorten the days of darkness, help me to remove the veils that have separated your world from truth. Come into me; live in me, and you shall obtain everything that your heart desires, even the highest dreams of your imagination!