2006-05-28-Ask For the New Adventure

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Topic: Ask For the New Adventure

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Elyon, Rantarason, Monjoronson

TR: Simeon, Jonathan, Sheila



Aaron (Simeon TR): Greetings, my friends, I am Aaron. It is my pleasure to be with you today. Though the weather is spotty, here in this room everything seems bright. All throughout your ascension career it is true continuously that if you ask you will receive. If you give you will receive more. If you proceed in light of that which you have received you will continuously be afforded more opportunity to reach new levels of attainment, understanding, awareness. Every opportunity is an opportunity for growth, and this is true regardless of the circumstances and how they turn out, for it is in the application and your adjustment that you evolve into newer and higher awareness.


It is true that the kingdom of heaven is present and at hand, and you are not required to do anything other than apply your faith and hope for you to be contained therein. Yet progress comes with your participation and involvement. It is heartening for us to see how far you each have come and yet to see your willingness to see new horizons. The pattern often exists where one reaches a level of attainment and then plateaus. Though you all know of this pattern in your lives, the exciting feature is when you see a new opportunity and are able, beyond comfort and the status quo, to perceive with the eyes of a child the new adventure. If ever you fall into a place where life seems dull, nothing seems to be going anywhere, and you feel like you are flailing around, do not forget to ask for the new adventure, to look outside of where you currently are.

The answers will come and the directions will appear for where you can apply yourself, your energy. With this knowledge of participation in the grand scheme of becoming, you can rest assured of your part while hanging in anticipation for where you can go. Paths converge. At times paths cross and move apart. No one will take exactly the same path, but at times you may find yourself converging in alignment with others for a particular goal. Cherish these opportunities to glimpse the recognition of cosmic family at your current attainment level as you participate for something greater than the individual cause, for once again you will find yourself moving out along your path to the new places, the new horizons, and it is these experiences, memories, that serve to strengthen and bolster you when you are on the path alone proceeding to the next adventure. I am always honored to slip into your meetings and even more so when Simeon can accompany myself and join the circuitry of the familiar. I look forward to being with you again. I will remain present but allow others to communicate.

Elyon (Jonathan): Greetings to you, this is Elyon. I am always delighted to be among you.

You have blessed me with the rewards any teacher seeks, for you have earnestly endeavored to learn what I offer, and more so, you have taken it upon yourselves to be your own teachers and to look beyond my instruction into the universe library where you may gather much in the way of guidance, the gems that await you that will reinforce your comprehension, and the recipes from which your experiences will deepen your soul -- expand it even. I have been an advocate of stillness, and today I want to remind you that stillness is not merely a point of quiet inaction, but, in reality, a constant always-ness, a remaining, a union with the spirit presence, never separated.

Yes, your mind may look to the external and feel distraction, but in the arenas of soul you are still in the embrace. It is only your mind which must turn back, for you, the true you, is ever within the arms of God. This is the foundation from which you may undertake any universe adventure. All your uncertainties are merely peripheral items to the all important bond. Even your conceptual understandings, these are simply the adornments of your personal cathedral, the chamber wherein the holy encounter occurs. Be willing to adjust the artifacts, the icons, but always hold true to the experience of the divine.

It stands apart from all descriptives, and it is yours personally and truly. There is no other special experience than this. You all share much that are common experiences. Nowhere in the universe is there a duplicate of your stillness. I too remain in your presence, for I delight in your company.

Rantarason (Sheila): I I I I am am am the great great great Rantarason -son -son! I am delighted to be truly amongst the great ones. There is indeed enough, both enough faith, enough willingness, and the greatest expression of brotherhood in this room to create a nursery. We have many projects on the board, and it has only been a matter of time but, more so, vibrational level in order for these projects to be presented. With this particular group we count on a certain degree of leveling out or boredom to be achieved so that you will as usual be ready and as assertive as your patterns go. You are all perfectly aware of the synchronicity and the courage that inspire such a project. My message to you would be: it's perfectly okay that you not understand thoroughly. It will be interesting to invent your process, and it is an honor for all of us who sit here with you today to share in this most exciting time. Dear ones, we learn from you; we gain greatness by being associated with you. Today we honor you for even gathering, let alone even pondering, such an idea. This gathering today is nothing less than miraculous. The fellowship has passed the test of time, and now we embark. Let your dreams fly. Let your expressions be bold. Contain yourselves only in a box of love that expands further than anything you've ever read or imagined. We stand in the circle right outside of your own today. Colors have woven themselves to place you in protection for this universal project. We count on and expect nothing less than your great humor to pass through the veils which keep you from remembering who you are. I am your brother and I love each and every one of you.

Monjoronson (Mark): I would seize this opportunity to rub energy signatures with you as if standing around a banquet table, a feast brought from on high for us to partake of together. I am Monjoronson and I treasure the opportunity that you provide for me to join your space and be a part of your process of evolution and the process of evolution of an entire world. I would seize upon a thought pattern expressed earlier in your conversations and elevate it. It is the expression, the aforementioned, that you are those who you have been waiting for. While you do not fully recognize the validity of such a statement, it rings true to a universe beyond you.

What would a group look like who had potential to direct their intention and co-create with the divine? Look around, my dear ones.

What would it feel like to be asked to participate in changes of sweeping universe affairs? What does it feel like to you in this moment?

I plainly express to you that it is you, it is now, and if you were not prepared and not capable this would not be before you to choose. We recognize that you have undergone training for some purpose and your hearts have expressed the desire to manifest greatness in your service. As a result of such you are now granted with such grace. I bring you this to encourage you to seize these opportunities as I seize this opportunity to be with you.

You wield enormous influence in your positions of choice, and I perceive that each of you is at a point of acceptance to be about a grand project in service. You have been told of the base camp and the preparations, and there comes a time to load up our tools and to move out. The time has arrived; the conditions are indeed favorable for the ascent. I as the guide have made my decision to move forward. I require assistants, aids, staff, and support crew. I look to you who are prepared enough to even know of my mission and my existence. I will accept all volunteers as the work is great and the workers are few.

Do not entertain any doubts as to your worthiness in this process, as I do not entertain any such doubts. You have been versed and you have heard that great things happen when working for the will of the Father, and now you are about to gain as your own personal experience the reality of such statements. I would strive to dispel any notion of unpreparedness or unworthiness. I would foster your boldness of approach as I have yet to witness any of you functioning in what you would consider egotistical terms. Rather I have witnessed the opposite to be true.

I would do what I can to bolster your self images that you may be more serviceable, not only to me, but to yourselves in this process. It is not your issue to guard against over egotism as it is to guard against over timidity in your approach. I know this is a difficult concept to bring into balance and establish harmony in your lives, merely another ascent to climb, but no worries, we have all the forces of the universe with us.

All that is required of you now is your faith and your willingness and finally your action. This is where your bold approach may support you in your moments of timidity. Thank you, my eager ones. You may in fact graduate from your institute of higher learning and look forward as you desire to join the staff instead. As you wish it shall be. Thank you, each one, for your service to Michael, to the Father, to the mission at hand which includes your brothers and sisters, which is in service once again to the Father. All this, my friends, is in fact a service to you as well, but that is for you to embrace at a later time.

Now I register that your motivation is for service to others, and that is a fine propellant. But you will come to realize that all service, service to the self, service to others, is all service to the First Source and Center which is in turn service to the self. One step at a time, my dear ones. Do not look to be overwhelmed. One step at a time, and we will make this ascent together, one step at a time. Ask yourselves what the beginning to the beginning of a new era looks like. Live this very moment of reality. This juncture of time and space is what the beginning to a new beginning looks like.


Cherish this encounter. Relish this moment. Seize this opportunity as I know you will. You have much to grasp. I withdraw for now but will make every attempt to make individual, personal contact with each of you who will meet me part way. Farewell.