2006-06-21-Expect The Unexpected
Topic: Expect the Unexpected
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Christ Michael
TR: Joyce Brenton
Expect The Unexpected
Michael: "Learning to take one day at a time, My brothers and sisters, is so very important. The past is gone. Today is the focus of our concentration. You are to think about the hours ahead only as they happen.
"You know that plans so often go awry. You awaken and the hours lie before you. You have the daily chores to accomplish. There are things that you may desire to do in the hours ahead. These hours can go your way as planned, or something unavoidable may occur to change the path of the entire day. You must learn to be flexible in regard to these changes.
"How many beautiful days in your lifetime have been spoiled because you could not accept the disappointment of a change in plans? We will not dip into the memories of your past disappointments, but only remember how often your emotions have spoiled the gift of a beautiful day.
"You can learn to exchange your negative emotions. You can learn the simple acceptance to a change in plans. And an even better idea to focus upon is the possibility of remaining very flexible in the actual planning of your days.
"Let the days unfold before you. Learn to set limited plans that allow for the unexpected, and when the unexpected develops, you will not be bothered with negative emotions. Expect the unexpected. You can be sure that it is inevitable.
"I am calling you now to a new level of emotional responsibility. You are ready to grow in this area. Controlling your emotions is a very important part of our curriculum together."
Put on a Happy Face
Michael: "Yes, My beloved brothers and sisters, a happy attitude is a choice. As children, you learned the art of manipulation. You learned this form of control at a very young age. So many children rule the kingdom of their parents by their attitudes. You know this is the truth; the children rule the roost. How has this happened? All by attitude!
"You need not return to the past, just understand the principal involved. If you wanted something, you learned that an unhappy attitude would get the attention of anyone who noticed it. And you also learned how to make your attitude known. This, too, is a habit learned in childhood.
"You know that whatever attitude you choose controls your environment, both mental and physical. So, is it better to choose a happy attitude rather than any other? Of course it is! You can choose a controlling attitude that will bring happiness. Would you bring discontent into your environment? Would you bring unrest? No!
"You want happiness. You seek peace. You must do your part. Use the influence of your attitude for good. This is a kingdom principle, and you can master this idea in a very short time. Lay aside the childish attitudes and put on a happy face.
"Why wouldn’t you? A smile can change the whole course of the day in an instant. That is a good controlling factor. Learn to smile often, for you can actually bring sunshine, even on a cloudy day, by just a simple and very worthwhile attitude adjustment."
There is a Kingdom to be Established
Michael: "Change your thinking, My Brothers and Sisters, and you change your world. I would tell you today that so much of your thinking is a waste of precious time. You are all very talented, each in your own unique way. Yes, you are creative beings, and yet you busy your thought life with non-essentials. During your lifetime you have all become creatures of much non-essential thinking.
"Does it matter that a movie or TV program did not end as you would have ended it? Of course not! Have you ever spent time in that pursuit? You know that you have. And in your angry debates have you tried in your thoughts to change the end result to victory after your seemingly obvious defeat? Yes, you endlessly mull over past circumstances, reliving them in your thinking.
"Can you change the past with your endless mental ruminations? Never! Yet, you continue. Can you change the weather by your mental complaints? Can you change anything with a complaining attitude? No! Then simply recognize the habit as wasteful, and get on with life, and attend to important matters.
"You can use the otherwise wasted time and energy to get on with the actual purpose of your creative talents. Time is passing, and you do have valuable work to do. What will we do with all the time you redeem by removing the senseless, time-consuming habits? You will simply return your thinking to our Father’s Business.
"There is a kingdom to be established. You are going to be very instrumental in the establishment of our Father’s Kingdom on earth. This is a valuable enterprise, in which each of you should be delighted to take your appointed place. We, My beloveds, have busy work together in the days ahead, as step by step we remove all the non-essentials that you habituate."
A Reminder to Forgive
Michael: "I will return your thinking today, My Brothers and Sisters, to a review of the important universal principal to forgive one another. You need to be reminded often, for you habituate un-forgiveness. You are far too judgmental of your brothers’ and sisters’ failures. You demand far too high a standard of behavior of them; one that you, yourselves, have great difficulty living up to.
"Relax your standards? No! I do not ask you to be tolerant of the actions that are hurtful. But I do ask you to forgive these actions when they occur.
"In the evolutionary process, our Father’s children learn from their errors and mistakes. Yes, it is a difficult way to evolve, but nonetheless, this is the way that societies advance. It is all a step-by-step process. Slow but sure!
"I remind you again, to forgive your brothers’ and sisters’ every failure. Why? Because My Beloveds, in truth, you forget this principle so often. You are in a learning process that indeed, takes a lifetime. Ah, but you are advancing beautifully. And of that you can be very sure."
Kindness Lightens the Burden
Michael: "My Beloved brothers and sisters, do you need to be reminded today to be kind to one another, and to often smile? Perhaps examine your mood right now. Is it cheerful? If yes, then simply go about your day with the sunshine of a happy attitude.
"If, however, your mood is not happy, then you may definitely need an attitude adjustment. And you would do well, by simply returning your thinking to the little simple process of counting your blessings, and surely there are many.
"There are many of your brothers and sisters who walk their paths today with far heavier burdens to bear. You know that you have a Friend, Who walks the path with you today. And, I am willing to lead you in the curriculum of our Father’s Will.
"You know His Plans are for the greater good for all His children, always. So, be at peace today, and although chaos reigns about you, follow always the path of His principled living.
"Yes, smile often and be kind to one another. Kindness always lightens the burdens of your Brothers and Sisters. Take My Hand in yours and together we will lighten the burdens for all we meet upon the path today with the blessed generosity of our happy attitude."
Happiness is a Choice
Michael: "Yes, My beloveds, a happy attitude is your gift to all the brothers and sisters that share the path with you today. And, a happy attitude is infectious. It is an easy gift to pass on to others.
"How easy it is to allow circumstances to quickly change your attitude. You can change from happiness to great gloom in an instant. And how often this happens! Then, with a reversal of circumstances, the attitude again changes. Does it really change the circumstances with the new attitude change? Yes!
"And is it possible to be happy when the circumstances are unpleasant? Yes, for we trust fully in our Father’s Presence in every circumstance.
"I am telling you now that a happy attitude is a choice. Your attitude comes from your thinking, and you can learn to adjust your thinking to a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstance. Happiness is a positive choice.
"You adopt a gloomy attitude to fit your gloomy circumstances. This is a habit. You can just as easily adopt a happy attitude for every circumstance. Change the gloomy attitude whenever it occurs by remembering that all your attitudes, whatever they may be, are all personal choices. Remember always Whose child you are, and Whose image you represent."
Accept the Gift of Life
Michael: "Today, My brothers and sisters, may offer you a challenge or two. Expect the unexpected, for in truth, there will always be little surprises along the path, and not always will they be pleasant ones. Be prepared to look at every challenge as simply a place for growth. You do not grow in the pleasant places. These are little rests in your evolution. You grow in the challenges.
"Every challenge has its place for you to ascend to a higher level in your maturation. Accept the challenges, every one of them, as necessary. Learn to accept them calmly and in peace, as part of our Father’s Will on earth. Do not fight the process, for fighting the process is counterproductive.
"As you mature, you will learn to simply greet the challenges as necessary. Your thinking process already accepts My daily guidance, and surely, it is the necessary guidance that you need on the path.
"You are now growing very quickly in the understanding of our Father’s Will on earth. He desires for each and every one of His beautiful and much beloved children that you accept the gift of life, and with all the challenges that it presents, as His evolutionary Will on earth. Yes, you indeed, are all loved beyond measure."
Challenge Leads to Growth
Michael: "The challenges are necessary, My beloveds. You will learn to accept them as a necessary part of your growth process. And in truth, challenges keep the life process very exciting, do they not?
"Yes, you may not like some of the challenges. You may resent the unpleasant ones, but acceptance is the easy course of action. You cannot change the process. You can change your attitude, however, in every challenge.
"Life can present great difficulties, and you already have experienced many of life’s difficult challenges. Now think of your attitude in the difficulties. For the most part you greet difficult challenges with anger, or disappointment. I direct you now to a better path.
"Simply accept the challenges as necessary. That is the mature path to take. They will continue to come into your life, and they will come with great consistency. This will never change. Remember that every challenge leads to growth. And remember that both anger and disappointment waste our precious time.
"You are our Father’s children on a path as both students and teachers in the great classroom of this life experience. Learn your lessons well, My brothers and sisters, and put away the habits you learned in childhood. Put away the anger and disappointment as you greet your challenging path. Let your attitude of acceptance be the greatest lesson that you teach, for many are watching your evolution and are learning from the way you yourselves grow in the challenges."
Learn the Habit of a Calm Attitude
Michael: "My brothers and sisters, as little children you learned from the attitudes of your parents and the people in your family. You learned many habits from those who surrounded you. And, you were taught many attitudes, which you now teach to those who presently surround you.
"Examine your attitudes and you will know in an instant if there are childish habits that need replacing. And you will know instantly in the challenges if you are accepting or fighting the inevitable.
"The challenges are necessary. And I am here repeating this statement, because it is important that you learn to accept the difficulties in life. Accepting the difficulties quickly will make the path far easier for you to travel. So many times have you caused yourself far too much unnecessary difficulties!
"We have earlier discussed that anger is counter productive. It prevents rational thinking. In the difficult situations simply learn the habit of a calm attitude. Yes, a calm attitude is a learned habit.
"Understand now that every attitude is a learned habit, and, in due time, with a concentrated effort, you can replace all the childish habits. Worry, anger, disappointment, and yes, resentment, are all your learned attitudes to the difficulties that the path presents. My beloved ones, let us simply change our attitudes to those that are productive and lay aside all those that are not."