2006-06-21-Radically New Developments Such As WAVE
Topic: Radically New Developments for Urantia
Group: At Large
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Algimantas
My dear and beloved Father, I do desire to know what shall be the function of the new personality order that has been named as WAVE, and whether or not this name shall be preserved to denominate this order of beings?
Thought Adjuster: My beloved son, this new order is at the dawn of launching a numerous supermortals who would be your guides in your struggles for uplifting humanity towards light and life.
You have been informed by the Urantia Papers about the one hundred corporeal staff of your planet's deposed and disloyal ruler. Thus at the present time this order of supermortals is missing on Urantia.
And since radically new developments are in the offing this gap must be filled up by this newly created personality order. Meanwhile all the staff shall be replicated on the higher than a human level.
And those of you who desire to participate, of their own free will, in the humanity uplifting, shall have their missions coordinating their acts with many individuals including this newly appearing order of personality on Urantia.
Meanwhile, the name is not of importance. I do not need any name to know since I am present within each individual and I do know you personally by your personal name either current or future. And it is you who need to categorize any order of beings as you are limited in your association with your brethren and it is for you in particular that these separate orders are necessary to better qualify their functions.
I do desire that you must choose a more general name for all the category that would not have any association with any particular mortals' contribution to their appearance on the stage.
My beloved Father, should I share your teachings with my brethren or should I keep them to my own, personal, use?
My beloved son, you well know that you, or anybody else, are unable to ask all the questions alone. Thus to share responses is for the benefit of all. If you read the teachings by other Thought Adjusters you also benefit.
That is why do not be discouraged from sharing these teachings that are meant not only to you personally but thru you, like thru others, to enlighten and broaden the views of all.
When I give you personal guidance for your personal mission you well know how much they are blinding even you so that you become discouraged to make a step in implementing the teaching you receive from Me. And if you shared this information with the rest of your brethren they might not only be blinded by this light but they might get offended at you for your role in this or that mission.
But when my responses might strengthen some of your brethren and make them stretch out you are asked to share these teachings.
I do encourage a brotherhood in action. You can never establish a living brotherhood by keeping this sort of information only to yourself and deeply hidden in your soul.
You well know that during all the eternity you would be playing a double role that of a student and teacher. And by sharing any information received from Me you also act as a spiritual teacher since you behave as I do, by giving this to others and without imposing it on others. You leave it to delve deeper into the souls of those who open up for the reception of this very information.
You must never be afraid of any criticism. A well-intended criticism allows you to see your shortcomings and compare your convictions with those of the others, but once you begin to lean exclusively upon Me, upon My leading from within no criticism is reaching you since you begin to match every step to My leading and teaching.
My beloved Father, why even those who have been among The Urantia Book readers for long and in the Teaching Mission as well cannot accept some of your teachings and even get irritated?
My beloved son, one's ability to transmit and record My teachings, or those of the other teachers, does not testify to the one's spiritual birth as a new person in the same flesh. Thus they have not yet experienced a deep spiritual transformation, and lacking it they base their opinions on their human ego that struggles to place one's views on the top of those of the others.
One's ability to transmit testifies only to one's mind's tranquility during the transmission session and one's desire to make one's contribution to the enlightenment of humanity.
Meanwhile one's birth of the spirit is a spiritual transformation that too few mortals are ready to experience. This is a new reality within the same mortal that simply kills the animal human and gives birth to the divine human. And this is the level of Jesus. And lacking this height any human shall always resist any brighter light since these higher vibrations do not resonate in their souls while their mind can only accept that they are ready to accept.
One's soul surpasses one's mortal mind reaction for it becomes tinged with a morontia mind aspects, even with the morontia way of thinking. Until this transformation is lived thru no mortal can readily accept that that contradicts one's established mental convictions no matter how deep and broad information on reality and even on Me that mind possesses.
Thank you, our beloved Father for this wonderful teaching. I love all your creation and each creature therein. And I worship you for your existence and for being the source of love, truth, mercy, goodness, and beauty. My will is that your will be done.
My dears, I share this transmission of my Thought Adjuster with you for it might also be helpful to some of you.
Meanwhile some of you might feel some irritation. But this shall pass, with time.
By the way, as to the birth of WAVE, I was, to a certain extent, cherishing some expectations that the Thought Adjuster would deny the appearance of this new personality order. But I could not reject the answer by my Thought Adjuster only because my hopes were crashed to pieces.
Peace be upon you.
With brotherly love,