2006-07-30-Blending Human Divine Relationships
Topic: Blending Human Divine Relationships
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
Heavenly Father, thank you for this moment, for engaging our minds and hearts in the study of your presence, the study of this Spirit that you have given us to be in this world as in all worlds, showing your love. You know our concerns and our questions, or at least some of them. We would invite you to speak or whom ever would speak on your behalf.
I am hearing Tomas, and he said he is ready to speak anytime I am ready. (Pause for technical preparations as the rain was so severe as to be a loud intrusion)
Well, yes, this is your friend, Tomas speaking through the rain. I understand that in your experience you must contend with the apparent distractions of such as this rainfall but is it not a gift, its form, its texture, its attributes pouring upon your earth, and yet you must shelter yourself from it, you human beings, whose form I know well, and so it is as you struggle with this apparent discrepancy or contradiction of the noble ideals that you have embodied as a husband and wife manifesting our Father’s love in your very material form. You find it necessary to protect from these elements that would distract, and perhaps destroy much of what you have built, and yet you receive it as a gift nonetheless.
You are dry and warm inside while outside this weather beats upon what would be your tender creations. Look about you, what in this interior space that you have worked hard to build that would not be destroyed by this gift of our Father pouring upon your earth. This shell that you have created, this little box in which you gather is infused with the beauty of your love, and yet you know well that it will not last, that it is a creation of your own gift of time and space for the purpose of revealing our Father’s love and allowing others to enter this same space with you. So you ask yourselves, how can you dwell in both of these worlds, (one) that could be understood by such beings as even myself, and certainly divine spirits of Divinington, who would see it as useless, and yet to you it becomes very important.
If you would, allow yourselves to straddle every world, for you do in truth and in spirit. Your lives are seen now by the Father, all of eternity is filled with your life, your lives that are lines of love sewing together the realms of time and space with those of eternity and the infinitude of our Father. Be merciful to yourself, to others who inhabit this realm. Know that you dwell on all of them simultaneously, and so give yourselves the gift of this unique and rare opportunity to embody on behalf of our Father his light and life in your very material forms subject as they are to the limitations of the flesh. This is your gift to your world. Do not think it is spurned, do not think that it is dismissed. If the Master himself would take this form, who would not then, and yet he too could speak in terms that would upset and disrupt the traditional notions of relationships as they are occurring here.
I have attempted to be of some help to you because I love you, and if you could accept me in my form, I gladly accept yours, you in your form for it is this love that binds us all together and how wonderful it is this family unlimited in our relations, and it is being given to you to know this limitlessness even in your material form. Rejoice, do not mourn, no, for you have enjoined the thoughts of a divine spirit while you yet dwell in the flesh. Take what is helpful; ignore what is hurtful. Trust all that you cannot understand to our Father living within you and you will do well.
Are there any questions, comments? I am your friend even if I do not inhabit your form at this moment, we are joined in spirit nonetheless.
P: Were you ever married Tomas?
Tomas: My dear, not only was I married, but I had many sons, four, it seems to this one. Yes, and my wife, you would say, whom I know now in a different manner. We enjoy sharing our continued experience though we are certainly not joined as husband and wife, and I do follow the course of the lives of my sons likewise, and I do love them of course, but I love you and your husband as well. No, these are not special in the sense that I love them with a different quality of love because I love increasingly with a divine love, but nonetheless we have shared something, we have shared experience together, and that itself is irreplaceable. And so it is your experience with your husband in this place in time upon this world, you will carry forward forever; nothing will ever replace it. So therefore savor this moment and every moment for each of them is unique and irreplaceable just as each person is such. You could say that everything is special and therefore nothing, no relationship is because all of them are, all of them are endowed with this luminosity of our Father’s spirit. So relish the gift of this moment, celebrate it as fully as you can, and continue your studies, your learning, and feel free to invite me. I love you, and I look forward to working with you in different ways even as we proceed well beyond this sphere. We will always share this experience. We will always be able to refer to it in this treasure house of our own experience that is itself a gift to God.
My friends, you have much work to do in this realm. You are given an opportunity that is, that is unusual. It is by virtue of your dwelling upon this world at this particular time. And while every moment is unique and irreplaceable, there are occurring some unusual experiments upon this world largely due to its being the bestowal sphere of your Creator. Our Master Michael who participates with you in the creation of the world, he has envisioned for this, this world, the world of the cross. This is his human home, and how well he understands this human feeling in the face of a divine sentiment. Recall his tears shed upon the beginning of his public ministry when none of his human family came to wish him well. You have in him a Creator who is deeply aware of the most tender human feelings that you could know. And yes, I too know well your feelings of tender human devotion to your partner in this human experience.
Be confident my friends, enter your day with joy knowing you are joined by many and all that are needed. Indeed, the universe struggles with you as you combine heaven and earth in your own experience, in your own world, in this place here in these mountains of this part of your world. I bid you farewell. I am never far. I love you.
P&R: Thank you Tomas. Thank you.
I must register that as soon as Tomas (P laughing) signed off the sun shone through even our closed eyes illumining the table where we are gathered celebrating this rain that falls simultaneously. This is the gift, the revelation of our Father, the way he combines everything. How happy we are. Amen.