2006-07-30-You Are Love Itself
Topic: You Are Love Itself
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Divine Mother: “Gather into me, My little ones. This is Mother, and I welcome you with open and loving arms. What do you want to change about yourself? Do you like yourself through and through? Do you accept yourself thoroughly? I ask you these questions to stimulate your emotions to help you see that your feelings about yourself are what either moves you forward into alignment with your Father’s essence of love, truth and goodness, or holds you back into stagnation and despair. You choose how you relate to your feelings.
“Yes, I know that you are all tender, sensitive souls. Did your Father and I not create you to have feelings and desires? Of course! So, I am well aware of every feeling you have, and the way in which you relate in your thoughts to these feelings. The crux of the matter in your spiritual growth is choosing how you will respond to these feelings, especially when they are hurtful. You have more power than you know, yet you squander your abilities by allowing the hurtful feelings to override your sensibilities about who you are. Rise about this now and align yourself in the reality that you are Love itself.
“Yes, you will feel resistance to this idea. Yes, you may not even believe this thoroughly at this time. Yet this does not change the intrinsic truth of this reality and that you are growing in this love. Claim it, My beloveds, and you will continue to weave these threads of light that carry the love energy into you. Let this be your first and foremost desire and thought. The seeds are within you. We have long ago planted them there in you. It is now your responsibility to grow them and make them multiply into the beautiful fruits of the Spirit that will help others partake of the spirit luminosity that shines from you.
“How much longer will you wait to become Love? Only you can answer this question. Sit in Me and allow Me to bring more threads of love into you. Take control of your emotions by saying ‘yes’ to the beauty inside that is growing. Focus only on this and let change happen naturally!”